Top 10 Attendance Tracking Apps in 2023

Any business owner or manager with hourly paid staff knows that tracking attendance is crucial. You want to make sure you always have the right number of team members on duty, get the job done, track time off and availability, and keep labor costs to a minimum.

Tracking employee hours is a central part of running a small business, but trying to track it all with paper or spreadsheets is nearly impossible. This is why choosing the right app is so important.

Digital time tracking tools help ensure staff are where they say they are, keep accurate up-to-the-minute records, and integrate with scheduling and payroll tools for uptime, accurate shift planning and payroll.

But by comparing platforms on the market and determining which one does what may seem like a full-time job in itself. That's why we've worked hard for you.

In this article, we will look at:

Key features we recommend looking for in attendance tracking apps Our top pick of the ten best attendance tracking apps A comparison of apps based on what they do, the types of businesses or tasks they are best suited for, and how much they cost

Once you've read it, you'll be able to decide which attendance tracking app is right for your team and get back to business.

Lead a better team with smarter scheduling.

Optimize your schedule and keep your team in sync with Homebase.

Simplify planning

Key features to look for in apps to track attendance Geolocation Capabilities – Geolocation should be a top priority when looking for an attendance tracking platform. This avoids fist bumps between friends (where staff check in for others) and time theft, as people can only clock in when they are physically there. Features to prevent fist bumps between friends - In addition to geofencing, many of the best apps ensure staff can't log in to work for others or "steal time" by checking in when they're not actually present. Check out features like one-time PINs or prompts for photos upon arrival. Alerts and Reminders – Any platform you choose should be able to send shift reminders and alert managers when employees are not showing up for a shift or are about to reach costly overtime. Free or Reasonably Priced - Price won't be your only consideration, but it's an important factor, especially if you're running a small business on a budget. Check if the tools are priced per user or per location, as this could add up if you have a lot of staff or many locations. For example, the Homebase clock includes up to 20 employees for a commercial site and is not charged per user. Can be used on a variety of devices - You'll want your attendance tracking tool to work on as many devices as possible, so staff can check in how they want and when they are. Make sure the platform you choose works on mobile, tablet, desktop, or point of sale, depending on your needs. Sync with other useful products - Attendance trackers work best when they connect with other essential staff management tools, such as timesheets, payroll, and team communication. This means you can link attendance and hours, pay staff accurately, and send alerts when needed. Wide range of integrations – Attendance tracking tools that integrate with a range of other platforms are even more powerful. Check if the apps you're considering connect to the tools you already use so that all of your software solutions work well together. Our top pick of apps to track footfall in 2023 (+ the rest compared)


Top 10 Attendance Tracking Apps in 2023

Any business owner or manager with hourly paid staff knows that tracking attendance is crucial. You want to make sure you always have the right number of team members on duty, get the job done, track time off and availability, and keep labor costs to a minimum.

Tracking employee hours is a central part of running a small business, but trying to track it all with paper or spreadsheets is nearly impossible. This is why choosing the right app is so important.

Digital time tracking tools help ensure staff are where they say they are, keep accurate up-to-the-minute records, and integrate with scheduling and payroll tools for uptime, accurate shift planning and payroll.

But by comparing platforms on the market and determining which one does what may seem like a full-time job in itself. That's why we've worked hard for you.

In this article, we will look at:

Key features we recommend looking for in attendance tracking apps Our top pick of the ten best attendance tracking apps A comparison of apps based on what they do, the types of businesses or tasks they are best suited for, and how much they cost

Once you've read it, you'll be able to decide which attendance tracking app is right for your team and get back to business.

Lead a better team with smarter scheduling.

Optimize your schedule and keep your team in sync with Homebase.

Simplify planning

Key features to look for in apps to track attendance Geolocation Capabilities – Geolocation should be a top priority when looking for an attendance tracking platform. This avoids fist bumps between friends (where staff check in for others) and time theft, as people can only clock in when they are physically there. Features to prevent fist bumps between friends - In addition to geofencing, many of the best apps ensure staff can't log in to work for others or "steal time" by checking in when they're not actually present. Check out features like one-time PINs or prompts for photos upon arrival. Alerts and Reminders – Any platform you choose should be able to send shift reminders and alert managers when employees are not showing up for a shift or are about to reach costly overtime. Free or Reasonably Priced - Price won't be your only consideration, but it's an important factor, especially if you're running a small business on a budget. Check if the tools are priced per user or per location, as this could add up if you have a lot of staff or many locations. For example, the Homebase clock includes up to 20 employees for a commercial site and is not charged per user. Can be used on a variety of devices - You'll want your attendance tracking tool to work on as many devices as possible, so staff can check in how they want and when they are. Make sure the platform you choose works on mobile, tablet, desktop, or point of sale, depending on your needs. Sync with other useful products - Attendance trackers work best when they connect with other essential staff management tools, such as timesheets, payroll, and team communication. This means you can link attendance and hours, pay staff accurately, and send alerts when needed. Wide range of integrations – Attendance tracking tools that integrate with a range of other platforms are even more powerful. Check if the apps you're considering connect to the tools you already use so that all of your software solutions work well together. Our top pick of apps to track footfall in 2023 (+ the rest compared)


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