Trader Claims He Lost $310,000 Following Dodgy Trade Featured in LinkedIn Request

THE investor said they learned about THE exchange Since A "random friend request on LinkedIn. »

Trader claims to lose $310,000 due to questionable trade initiated in LinkedIn request News

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A investor complaints has to have lost $310,000 has A allegedly fraudulent crypto trade platform After learning about he Since A unsolicited LinkedIn connection request.

A consumer alert Since THE Washington State Department of Financial Establishments (IFD) Securities Division on June 13 said THE investor had has been using A alleged crypto trade platform called “Ethfinance.”

"THE investor learned of Ethfinance through A random friend request on LinkedIn”, THE IFD said. He added THE investor transferred A total of $310,000 Since her " Challenge wallet" has THE platform In hope of income profits Since crypto commerce.

Trader Claims He Lost $310,000 Following Dodgy Trade Featured in LinkedIn Request

THE investor said they learned about THE exchange Since A "random friend request on LinkedIn. »

Trader claims to lose $310,000 due to questionable trade initiated in LinkedIn request News

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A investor complaints has to have lost $310,000 has A allegedly fraudulent crypto trade platform After learning about he Since A unsolicited LinkedIn connection request.

A consumer alert Since THE Washington State Department of Financial Establishments (IFD) Securities Division on June 13 said THE investor had has been using A alleged crypto trade platform called “Ethfinance.”

"THE investor learned of Ethfinance through A random friend request on LinkedIn”, THE IFD said. He added THE investor transferred A total of $310,000 Since her " Challenge wallet" has THE platform In hope of income profits Since crypto commerce.

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