Traditional Institution Should Be Recognized As Authentic Local Council, Says Asagba Of Asaba

THE revered Asagba of Asaba, Obi (Teacher) John Chike Edozien, East THE 13th ruler of Asaba Kingdom. Recently, has A reflective dialogue with Chief Mandrel Nduka-Eze, THE Isana Ajié of Asaba And THE media, Teacher. Edozien Underlines THE role traditional establishments must play In running THE business of Nigeria. Obi Edozien, A teacher of medicine, while manufacturing preparations has celebrate her centenary birthday, talks briefly about Asaba, THE capital of Delta State, And Also, addresses other burning national problems as they affect THE country. MONDAY OSAYANDE was has THE session.

Centennial on Earth calls For party; And For THE scholar Teacher And Royal Father, there can't be Nothing lesser. THE Asagba of Asaba, Her Royal Majesty, Teacher Joseph Chike Edozien, East No doubt, A personification of THE institution he represents.

Born has THE famous family of Edozien – THE direct descendants of Nnebisi THE founder of Asaba – her father was Nathaniel Okafor Edozien, A renowned son of THE ground, And A of THE most senior native civil servants of THE SO Nigerian Coal Company In Enugu.

Her mother, Nwakuso Edozien born Odogwu, was THE girl of A prominent Asaba chief, And A notable trader.

He was always tender When her father sent him has live with A uncle WHO was A school master In Warri. There, he assisted THE Catholic School Since 1933 has 1937. Her secondary education was In Christ THE kings College, Onitsha, between 1938 And 1942.

In 1942, he assisted THE Yaba Upper College And SO process has Achimota School, Accra, Ghana.

Teacher Edozien began her university education In 1944, After he had secure A admission In THE University College of Dublin, Ireland.

He with success completed her B.Sc. degree with honors In Physiology Since THE National University of Ireland In 1948, with further success on MSc In Physiology In 1950, Bachelor of Medicine And Bachelor of Chemotherapy (MBBCh) In 1954. He received several academic price In THE process has justify her satisfying performance.

Her academic career began with A appointment as A Lecturer In Clinical Biochemistry In Middle-sex Hospital Medical School, University of London In 1951. In 1952 he was appointed as A Senior Lecturer In Chemical Pathology has THE University College, Ibadan. He income has Ibadan, Nigeria After her successful studies In Ireland.

In 1955, he married Module Black-smith; A radiologist has THE University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan. Her father was A of THE First of all native managers of THE United Africa Business And her maternal grandfather was Herbert Macaulay, Nigeria First of all surveyor And A of THE main actors In Nigeria independence movement.

How do THE king feel celebrate hundred years ? " I am very happy has be alive And in good health has celebrate THE 100 years birthday. I thank God For long life," he said.

THE personality of THE Asagba of Asaba East A that No A could easily bright on In A sentence. He East A of THE early Nigerians WHO disputed THE unknown has journey by sea has Europe, A journey that could last For A to the top of three month, In research of greener pastures.

In do, he can't Effectively discuss Asagba without Asaba, Neither can You talk about Asaba without Asagba. He denounced THE comfort of academic environment, And THE seduce of American Company has take up direction role as A traditional rule.

What are her thoughts about THE journey Asaba has do Since cradle until now this East THE Short history of Asaba Kingdom. Asaba has has been here, Since information available, For about 500 years. THE First of all recognized king of Asaba was Nnebesi, WHO came has Asaba Since Igala to land. When he deceased, Unfortunately, there was No successor, And THE city was split between five of her six small children. This was how THE five Ebos (quarters) were developed. There was No king, And these five Ebos lived together, independent of A another, For 400 years. How they managed has live In A city When there was No Single chief always stayed A mystery has Me. But anyway, After 400 years, they accomplished that For progress, they necessary A chief. SO, they created A title of Asagba of Asaba – king For THE five units. Surprisingly, they doesn't unify THE to land. They had A king, five Ebos And five lands. SO, Asaba East A Kingdom, but THE king doesn't to have control of any of them to land. SO, entities of THE five units of Asaba has worked more Or less as A local government. A of My ambitions Since I became THE Asagba of Asaba East has complete THE journey And unify THE to land. We are In THE process of TO DO that, THE END will be A king, A to land For A complete in its own right Kingdom," THE Asagba said.

THE late colonial And early independence periods were exciting times In Nigeria. Educated Nigerians quickly busy positions of responsibility In policy, Trade And the academic environment. Everyone hope were h...

Traditional Institution Should Be Recognized As Authentic Local Council, Says Asagba Of Asaba

THE revered Asagba of Asaba, Obi (Teacher) John Chike Edozien, East THE 13th ruler of Asaba Kingdom. Recently, has A reflective dialogue with Chief Mandrel Nduka-Eze, THE Isana Ajié of Asaba And THE media, Teacher. Edozien Underlines THE role traditional establishments must play In running THE business of Nigeria. Obi Edozien, A teacher of medicine, while manufacturing preparations has celebrate her centenary birthday, talks briefly about Asaba, THE capital of Delta State, And Also, addresses other burning national problems as they affect THE country. MONDAY OSAYANDE was has THE session.

Centennial on Earth calls For party; And For THE scholar Teacher And Royal Father, there can't be Nothing lesser. THE Asagba of Asaba, Her Royal Majesty, Teacher Joseph Chike Edozien, East No doubt, A personification of THE institution he represents.

Born has THE famous family of Edozien – THE direct descendants of Nnebisi THE founder of Asaba – her father was Nathaniel Okafor Edozien, A renowned son of THE ground, And A of THE most senior native civil servants of THE SO Nigerian Coal Company In Enugu.

Her mother, Nwakuso Edozien born Odogwu, was THE girl of A prominent Asaba chief, And A notable trader.

He was always tender When her father sent him has live with A uncle WHO was A school master In Warri. There, he assisted THE Catholic School Since 1933 has 1937. Her secondary education was In Christ THE kings College, Onitsha, between 1938 And 1942.

In 1942, he assisted THE Yaba Upper College And SO process has Achimota School, Accra, Ghana.

Teacher Edozien began her university education In 1944, After he had secure A admission In THE University College of Dublin, Ireland.

He with success completed her B.Sc. degree with honors In Physiology Since THE National University of Ireland In 1948, with further success on MSc In Physiology In 1950, Bachelor of Medicine And Bachelor of Chemotherapy (MBBCh) In 1954. He received several academic price In THE process has justify her satisfying performance.

Her academic career began with A appointment as A Lecturer In Clinical Biochemistry In Middle-sex Hospital Medical School, University of London In 1951. In 1952 he was appointed as A Senior Lecturer In Chemical Pathology has THE University College, Ibadan. He income has Ibadan, Nigeria After her successful studies In Ireland.

In 1955, he married Module Black-smith; A radiologist has THE University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan. Her father was A of THE First of all native managers of THE United Africa Business And her maternal grandfather was Herbert Macaulay, Nigeria First of all surveyor And A of THE main actors In Nigeria independence movement.

How do THE king feel celebrate hundred years ? " I am very happy has be alive And in good health has celebrate THE 100 years birthday. I thank God For long life," he said.

THE personality of THE Asagba of Asaba East A that No A could easily bright on In A sentence. He East A of THE early Nigerians WHO disputed THE unknown has journey by sea has Europe, A journey that could last For A to the top of three month, In research of greener pastures.

In do, he can't Effectively discuss Asagba without Asaba, Neither can You talk about Asaba without Asagba. He denounced THE comfort of academic environment, And THE seduce of American Company has take up direction role as A traditional rule.

What are her thoughts about THE journey Asaba has do Since cradle until now this East THE Short history of Asaba Kingdom. Asaba has has been here, Since information available, For about 500 years. THE First of all recognized king of Asaba was Nnebesi, WHO came has Asaba Since Igala to land. When he deceased, Unfortunately, there was No successor, And THE city was split between five of her six small children. This was how THE five Ebos (quarters) were developed. There was No king, And these five Ebos lived together, independent of A another, For 400 years. How they managed has live In A city When there was No Single chief always stayed A mystery has Me. But anyway, After 400 years, they accomplished that For progress, they necessary A chief. SO, they created A title of Asagba of Asaba – king For THE five units. Surprisingly, they doesn't unify THE to land. They had A king, five Ebos And five lands. SO, Asaba East A Kingdom, but THE king doesn't to have control of any of them to land. SO, entities of THE five units of Asaba has worked more Or less as A local government. A of My ambitions Since I became THE Asagba of Asaba East has complete THE journey And unify THE to land. We are In THE process of TO DO that, THE END will be A king, A to land For A complete in its own right Kingdom," THE Asagba said.

THE late colonial And early independence periods were exciting times In Nigeria. Educated Nigerians quickly busy positions of responsibility In policy, Trade And the academic environment. Everyone hope were h...

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