Tire Nichols funeral in Memphis sparks powerful eulogy, calls for federal law

The life and memory of Tyre Nichols was honored Wednesday at a public funeral held in Memphis after he was brutalized by police officers there … and many powerful feelings were shared, including the notion that change must come in the form of legislation.

The funeral was held at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church, just outside of downtown Memphis, where Rev. Al Sharpton eulogized Tyr. His remarks got just about everyone in the audience up in the end...and for good reason.

RAS began by highlighting the families of other victims of police brutality, including the Floyds, the Garners, the Taylors and others - who have traveled to make an appearance and know what it's like than to go through this. He also shouted out the Veep and other elected officials - both local and federal - who showed their faces for the funeral.

Moving on to Tyre, the Reverend drew an analogy to the parable of Joseph in the well - as told in the Bible - and said that the 5 officers who beat him that night were exactly like the brothers of Joseph...thinking throwing him into the pit would solve their problems and calm him down.

He went on to describe a point of heartbreaking irony about this tragedy happening in the city of Memphis - where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968 while on a trip where he worked for black people to have the right to join the public sector workforce...including the right to work in sanitation, as well as the police.

Tire Nichols funeral in Memphis sparks powerful eulogy, calls for federal law

The life and memory of Tyre Nichols was honored Wednesday at a public funeral held in Memphis after he was brutalized by police officers there … and many powerful feelings were shared, including the notion that change must come in the form of legislation.

The funeral was held at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church, just outside of downtown Memphis, where Rev. Al Sharpton eulogized Tyr. His remarks got just about everyone in the audience up in the end...and for good reason.

RAS began by highlighting the families of other victims of police brutality, including the Floyds, the Garners, the Taylors and others - who have traveled to make an appearance and know what it's like than to go through this. He also shouted out the Veep and other elected officials - both local and federal - who showed their faces for the funeral.

Moving on to Tyre, the Reverend drew an analogy to the parable of Joseph in the well - as told in the Bible - and said that the 5 officers who beat him that night were exactly like the brothers of Joseph...thinking throwing him into the pit would solve their problems and calm him down.

He went on to describe a point of heartbreaking irony about this tragedy happening in the city of Memphis - where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968 while on a trip where he worked for black people to have the right to join the public sector workforce...including the right to work in sanitation, as well as the police.

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