UAE researchers launch blockchain carbon trading platform at COP28

THE institute said he adopted A lightweight, effective blockchain not destined has be computer-wise wasteful, Or trade can be ease has little has No cost.

Researchers from the United Arab Emirates launch a platform blockchain carbon exchange at COP28 News Join We on social networks

A Abu Dabi government affiliated research center has announcement THE launch of A new powered by blockchain carbon follow up And trade platform in the middle of efforts Since THE United Arab Emirates government has lower broadcasts towards net zero.

THE new blockchain was revealed has THE last United Country Climate Change Conference (COP28) on Dec. 5 And will enable THE international trade of carbon tokens related has investments In Green projects, such as afforestation And carbon capture.

THE platform was built by THE Technology Innovation Institute (TII) Cryptographic Research Center, according to has A Dec. 5 statement by THE II. THE blockchain can track carbon broadcasts by registration THE broadcasts Since any of them global public Or private organization, THE TII noted.

TII East affiliated with Abu that of Dhabi Advance Technology Research Advice, A government entity In Abu Dabi. He East considered A key component In push THE "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Vision 2021 » aiming has reinforcement THE country economy And " to feed And sustainable environment For quality live. »

THE innovative CRC platform represented THE from the United Arab Emirates ambition has become A technology central And It is commitment has leading THE of the world climate action agenda.

— Technology Innovation Institute (@TIIuae) December 5, 2023

Users can create tokens that measure A certain Rising of carbon dioxide deleted Since THE environment, which can SO ...

UAE researchers launch blockchain carbon trading platform at COP28

THE institute said he adopted A lightweight, effective blockchain not destined has be computer-wise wasteful, Or trade can be ease has little has No cost.

Researchers from the United Arab Emirates launch a platform blockchain carbon exchange at COP28 News Join We on social networks

A Abu Dabi government affiliated research center has announcement THE launch of A new powered by blockchain carbon follow up And trade platform in the middle of efforts Since THE United Arab Emirates government has lower broadcasts towards net zero.

THE new blockchain was revealed has THE last United Country Climate Change Conference (COP28) on Dec. 5 And will enable THE international trade of carbon tokens related has investments In Green projects, such as afforestation And carbon capture.

THE platform was built by THE Technology Innovation Institute (TII) Cryptographic Research Center, according to has A Dec. 5 statement by THE II. THE blockchain can track carbon broadcasts by registration THE broadcasts Since any of them global public Or private organization, THE TII noted.

TII East affiliated with Abu that of Dhabi Advance Technology Research Advice, A government entity In Abu Dabi. He East considered A key component In push THE "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Vision 2021 » aiming has reinforcement THE country economy And " to feed And sustainable environment For quality live. »

THE innovative CRC platform represented THE from the United Arab Emirates ambition has become A technology central And It is commitment has leading THE of the world climate action agenda.

— Technology Innovation Institute (@TIIuae) December 5, 2023

Users can create tokens that measure A certain Rising of carbon dioxide deleted Since THE environment, which can SO ...

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