UEFA launches carbon footprint calculator for clubs

March 7 – UEFA has spear A carbon footprint calculator has help clubs lower their broadcasts.

THE calculator - two years In THE manufacturing And A collaborative effort involving more that 20 soccer organizations as GOOD as third party advisors - East designed has help clubs to understand their shows, not only Since flights.

Spear has Arsenal Emirates Stadium on Wednesday And available has all European clubs, THE calculator will assess carbon broadcasts Since specific to football areas such as journey, bought goods, facilities And logistics.

"THE UEFA Carbon Footprint Calculator embodies OUR ambition has showcase that soccer can be part of THE solution In THE global effort has reduce carbon broadcasts”, UEFA vice-president Laura McAllister said In A declaration.

"By provide stakeholders with THE tools And advice, We are facilitate collective action towards A more sustainable future For OUR sport And THE planet. »

THE launch come After UEFA was criticized for THE level of broadcasts as A result of A expansion fixation calendar.

"[He East A] important day," said UEFA sustainability director Michele Ouva. "Not only UEFA but THE clubs, THE leagues And all In football.

"We to have built THE car, NOW We need has enter THE race And It is A We to want has earn. Soccer needs has be THE microphone, THE voice of best practical, but We are just part of A solution."

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1709824281labto1709824281ofdlr1709824281owedi1709824281sni@n1709824281osloh1709824281cin.l1709824281uap1709824281

UEFA launches carbon footprint calculator for clubs

March 7 – UEFA has spear A carbon footprint calculator has help clubs lower their broadcasts.

THE calculator - two years In THE manufacturing And A collaborative effort involving more that 20 soccer organizations as GOOD as third party advisors - East designed has help clubs to understand their shows, not only Since flights.

Spear has Arsenal Emirates Stadium on Wednesday And available has all European clubs, THE calculator will assess carbon broadcasts Since specific to football areas such as journey, bought goods, facilities And logistics.

"THE UEFA Carbon Footprint Calculator embodies OUR ambition has showcase that soccer can be part of THE solution In THE global effort has reduce carbon broadcasts”, UEFA vice-president Laura McAllister said In A declaration.

"By provide stakeholders with THE tools And advice, We are facilitate collective action towards A more sustainable future For OUR sport And THE planet. »

THE launch come After UEFA was criticized for THE level of broadcasts as A result of A expansion fixation calendar.

"[He East A] important day," said UEFA sustainability director Michele Ouva. "Not only UEFA but THE clubs, THE leagues And all In football.

"We to have built THE car, NOW We need has enter THE race And It is A We to want has earn. Soccer needs has be THE microphone, THE voice of best practical, but We are just part of A solution."

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1709824281labto1709824281ofdlr1709824281owedi1709824281sni@n1709824281osloh1709824281cin.l1709824281uap1709824281

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