Under the cover of God

THE year East gradually future has A END! THE formerly festive mood has has been temperate This time around by THE economic slow-down, while there East Also widespread presentiment Or anxiety on THE incoming year. Again, in the middle of OUR the anxieties, We must First of all of all give THANKS has God For THE blessings We to have received SO far This year. Never mind OUR plot can be, We should stay grateful – has less For THE gift of life. God has has been GOOD has We. He has guard We alive; He has watch We Her mercy And Grace, And We should has give Him THANKS always.

There East A second gift that We should thank God For. He East THE gift of Hi In Jesus Christ. This East THE time has accept THE free Hi (if You to have not do SO Already). All human the beings are born In fishing. THE natural human nature East guilty. David do A staff statement that was In fact universal When he said,

Psalms 51:5 See, I was sharpen In iniquity; And In fishing did My mother design me.

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We were all shaped In iniquity; We were born In fishing. In the meantime, THE result of fishing East judgement – the death. Fishing causes separation Since God, And THE myriad consequences of that separation. So, everyone East In need of Hi, Or reconciliation with God. This East What Jesus Christ offers. John 3: 16 – 17 said,

John 3:16-17 For God SO love THE world, that he gave her only generates Son, that anyone believes In him should not perish, but to have eternal life. For God sent not her Son In THE world has condemn THE world; but that THE world through him could be recorded.

Modern man look for has to dispense with religion. They argue that science And technology to have eroded THE base For superstition and or religion. But has science And technology eroded THE need For Hi? What do Hi TO DO For THE modern man? THE even thing that Hi has always do For man down THE age. THE Lord himself said has us,

John 10:10 a.m. THE thief arrived not, but For has fly, And has kill, And has destroy: I am come that they could to have life, And that they could to have he more abundantly.

Out of Jesus Christ, life East A vicious ride a bike of loss, the death And destruction. In Jesus Christ, However, man earnings novelty of life. He enjoys divine abundance, which translated has peace. He said,

John 2:27 p.m. Peace I leave with You, My peace I give has You: not as THE world given, give I has You. To leave not your heart be trouble, Neither to leave he be fear.

If there East something that THE world lack Today, he East peace. Jesus Christ given peace has all WHO come has Him. He takes them out Since THE harsh cloud of wrong affliction, And He hides them below THE canopy of God. Will You Also come below that canopy Today, SO that You can escape THE troubles that fill OUR world?

HAS be continued


Keywords: awningGod

Under the cover of God

THE year East gradually future has A END! THE formerly festive mood has has been temperate This time around by THE economic slow-down, while there East Also widespread presentiment Or anxiety on THE incoming year. Again, in the middle of OUR the anxieties, We must First of all of all give THANKS has God For THE blessings We to have received SO far This year. Never mind OUR plot can be, We should stay grateful – has less For THE gift of life. God has has been GOOD has We. He has guard We alive; He has watch We Her mercy And Grace, And We should has give Him THANKS always.

There East A second gift that We should thank God For. He East THE gift of Hi In Jesus Christ. This East THE time has accept THE free Hi (if You to have not do SO Already). All human the beings are born In fishing. THE natural human nature East guilty. David do A staff statement that was In fact universal When he said,

Psalms 51:5 See, I was sharpen In iniquity; And In fishing did My mother design me.

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We were all shaped In iniquity; We were born In fishing. In the meantime, THE result of fishing East judgement – the death. Fishing causes separation Since God, And THE myriad consequences of that separation. So, everyone East In need of Hi, Or reconciliation with God. This East What Jesus Christ offers. John 3: 16 – 17 said,

John 3:16-17 For God SO love THE world, that he gave her only generates Son, that anyone believes In him should not perish, but to have eternal life. For God sent not her Son In THE world has condemn THE world; but that THE world through him could be recorded.

Modern man look for has to dispense with religion. They argue that science And technology to have eroded THE base For superstition and or religion. But has science And technology eroded THE need For Hi? What do Hi TO DO For THE modern man? THE even thing that Hi has always do For man down THE age. THE Lord himself said has us,

John 10:10 a.m. THE thief arrived not, but For has fly, And has kill, And has destroy: I am come that they could to have life, And that they could to have he more abundantly.

Out of Jesus Christ, life East A vicious ride a bike of loss, the death And destruction. In Jesus Christ, However, man earnings novelty of life. He enjoys divine abundance, which translated has peace. He said,

John 2:27 p.m. Peace I leave with You, My peace I give has You: not as THE world given, give I has You. To leave not your heart be trouble, Neither to leave he be fear.

If there East something that THE world lack Today, he East peace. Jesus Christ given peace has all WHO come has Him. He takes them out Since THE harsh cloud of wrong affliction, And He hides them below THE canopy of God. Will You Also come below that canopy Today, SO that You can escape THE troubles that fill OUR world?

HAS be continued


Keywords: awningGod

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