US lawmakers travel to Taiwan days after Pelosi trip, risking heightened tensions with China

A delegation of US lawmakers visited Taiwan on Sunday, just 12 days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stopover, Bloomberg reports.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the American delegations led by Democratic Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts will meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and some others legislators.

China has made clear its dissatisfaction with Taiwan's contacts with foreign governments, and in particular with US officials. Recently, when Pelosi visited Taiwan, China responded by sending a few missiles, warships and warplanes to the seas and skies around Taiwan for several days.

Although Taiwan is democratic and self-governing, China has long claimed the island as its territory.

According to the American Institute of Taiwan, the delegation will be in Taiwan until Monday as part of a trip to Asia.

Also read: Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan crashes Weibo as millions flock online to debate, visit seen as a stunt hard for China

Members of the delegation visiting Taiwan are Republican Rep. Amata Coleman Radewagen, a delegate from American Samoa, House Democrats John Garamendi and Alan Lowenthal from California, and Member of the Congress Don Beyer of Virginia.

According to the Taiwanese Minister of Defense, Chinese warplanes continue to cross central Taiwan daily, even after the end of the military exercises last Wednesday.

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden that Pelosi's trip would have unspecified consequences, during a two-hour, 15-minute call.< /p>

Photo: Courtesy of Senate Democrats on flickr

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US lawmakers travel to Taiwan days after Pelosi trip, risking heightened tensions with China

A delegation of US lawmakers visited Taiwan on Sunday, just 12 days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stopover, Bloomberg reports.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the American delegations led by Democratic Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts will meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and some others legislators.

China has made clear its dissatisfaction with Taiwan's contacts with foreign governments, and in particular with US officials. Recently, when Pelosi visited Taiwan, China responded by sending a few missiles, warships and warplanes to the seas and skies around Taiwan for several days.

Although Taiwan is democratic and self-governing, China has long claimed the island as its territory.

According to the American Institute of Taiwan, the delegation will be in Taiwan until Monday as part of a trip to Asia.

Also read: Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan crashes Weibo as millions flock online to debate, visit seen as a stunt hard for China

Members of the delegation visiting Taiwan are Republican Rep. Amata Coleman Radewagen, a delegate from American Samoa, House Democrats John Garamendi and Alan Lowenthal from California, and Member of the Congress Don Beyer of Virginia.

According to the Taiwanese Minister of Defense, Chinese warplanes continue to cross central Taiwan daily, even after the end of the military exercises last Wednesday.

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Joe Biden that Pelosi's trip would have unspecified consequences, during a two-hour, 15-minute call.< /p>

Photo: Courtesy of Senate Democrats on flickr

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All rates are subject to change without notice and may vary by location. These quotes are from banks, savings and credit unions, some of which have paid for a link to their own websites where you can find additional information. Those who have a paid link are our Advertisers. Those without a paid link are listings we obtain to enhance consumers' shopping experience and are not advertisers. To receive the rate from an advertiser, please identify yourself as a Bankrate customer. Bank and savings deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Credit union deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

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