“We allowed Alameda to withdraw unlimited funds” — Gary Wang at SBF trial

According to has FTX ancient chief technology officer, Sat Bankman-Fried engaged crimes with himself, Nishad Singh And Caroline Ellison.

= .jpg 1x, https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/960_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMTAvNDUyMTUzYzItMDRkNC00MTRiLTg3Y2MtOWY3ZDljOTg2NzQyLmpwZw==. jpg2x" src="https:// images .cointelegraph.com/images/1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMTAvNDUyMTUzYzItMDRkNC00MTRiLTg3Y2MtOWY3ZDljOTg2NzQyLmpwZw==.jpg" alt="'We allowed Alameda to withdraw unlimited funds' — Gary Wang at SBF trial" class="lazy-image__img type:primaryImage"/> News Join We on social networks

Gary Wang, THE co-founder And ancient chief technology officer of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was THE last witness has bear witness In THE criminal trial of ancient CEO Sat “SBF” Bankman-Fried.

According to has reports Since Interior City Press, Wang address THE courtroom on October. 5 following testimony Since ancient FTX developer Adam Yedidia And Paradigm co-founder Mast Huang. THE ancient Technical director would have admitted has commit crimes during her time has FTX with THE help of Bankman-Fried, ancient Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison And ancient FTX engineering director Nishad Singh.

"We allowed Alameda has withdraw unlimited funds," said Wang In answer has examination Since Assistant United States Lawyer Danielle Sassoon.

He added:

" [Sat manipulated] Speaking has THE media, pressure, talk with investors. I just coded [...] In THE END he was Sam's decision has TO DO [concerning any of them disagreements].”

October. 5 brand THE third day of Bankman-Fried's criminal trial In New York. Witnesses largely spoke of Connections between Alameda And FTX Before has THE Exchanges bankruptcy deposit, including testimony that SBF had directed employees has to use FTX user funds has blanket losses has Alameda. that of Wang testimony was A result of A agreement with prosecutors as part of A guilty advocacy deposit In December 2022. Ellison And Singh are Also expected has bear witness against SBF Before THE trial likely concludes In November.


“We allowed Alameda to withdraw unlimited funds” — Gary Wang at SBF trial

According to has FTX ancient chief technology officer, Sat Bankman-Fried engaged crimes with himself, Nishad Singh And Caroline Ellison.

= .jpg 1x, https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/960_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMTAvNDUyMTUzYzItMDRkNC00MTRiLTg3Y2MtOWY3ZDljOTg2NzQyLmpwZw==. jpg2x" src="https:// images .cointelegraph.com/images/1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMTAvNDUyMTUzYzItMDRkNC00MTRiLTg3Y2MtOWY3ZDljOTg2NzQyLmpwZw==.jpg" alt="'We allowed Alameda to withdraw unlimited funds' — Gary Wang at SBF trial" class="lazy-image__img type:primaryImage"/> News Join We on social networks

Gary Wang, THE co-founder And ancient chief technology officer of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was THE last witness has bear witness In THE criminal trial of ancient CEO Sat “SBF” Bankman-Fried.

According to has reports Since Interior City Press, Wang address THE courtroom on October. 5 following testimony Since ancient FTX developer Adam Yedidia And Paradigm co-founder Mast Huang. THE ancient Technical director would have admitted has commit crimes during her time has FTX with THE help of Bankman-Fried, ancient Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison And ancient FTX engineering director Nishad Singh.

"We allowed Alameda has withdraw unlimited funds," said Wang In answer has examination Since Assistant United States Lawyer Danielle Sassoon.

He added:

" [Sat manipulated] Speaking has THE media, pressure, talk with investors. I just coded [...] In THE END he was Sam's decision has TO DO [concerning any of them disagreements].”

October. 5 brand THE third day of Bankman-Fried's criminal trial In New York. Witnesses largely spoke of Connections between Alameda And FTX Before has THE Exchanges bankruptcy deposit, including testimony that SBF had directed employees has to use FTX user funds has blanket losses has Alameda. that of Wang testimony was A result of A agreement with prosecutors as part of A guilty advocacy deposit In December 2022. Ellison And Singh are Also expected has bear witness against SBF Before THE trial likely concludes In November.


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