What can blockchain do to increase human longevity?

The emerging longevity industry is attracting many crypto-natives, who can both benefit from it and contribute to it with blockchain tools.

What can blockchain do to increase human longevity? Analysis

The nascent longevity industry is focused on researching and implementing solutions and technologies to extend the lifespan of human beings, allowing people to live longer, healthier lives.< /p>

Longevity is not yet considered an official medical term, and aging is not officially considered a disease but a natural phenomenon in all living things.

However, some biologists, researchers and medical practitioners believe that this approach should change and are working to uncover the mechanisms of aging in humans. In doing so, they are creating age clocks by defining biomarkers to measure biological age, exploring better lifestyle habits and natural supplements, and inventing new drugs that could prevent us from aging.


Longevity has been on the radar of crypto leaders for quite some time now, which comes as no surprise given that the industry promises to better humanity through innovation. Indeed, a premier event in the longevity industry, the Longevity Investors Conference, is hosted by Marc P. Bernegger and Tobias Reichmuth, who were previously involved with the Crypto Finance Group.

Crypto meets longevity

At the latest iteration of the Longevity Investors Conference in September 2022, speakers on the "Crypto Meets Longevity" panel noted that both industries - crypto and longevity - are disruptive areas that challenge established standards.

“Everyone here in this room is, to some extent, a trailblazer because we are really coming together in a phase where it’s similar to the internet, bitcoin, and other exciting industries,” said Bernegger, who is the founding partner of Maximon. — an accelerator for longevity companies.

Aubrey de Grey, an English biomedical author and gerontologist, pointed out that the mindset of crypto and longevity innovators is very similar, with both being "completely comfortable working in an area which is still very unorthodox and which needs to be advanced". ”

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What can blockchain do to increase human longevity?

The emerging longevity industry is attracting many crypto-natives, who can both benefit from it and contribute to it with blockchain tools.

What can blockchain do to increase human longevity? Analysis

The nascent longevity industry is focused on researching and implementing solutions and technologies to extend the lifespan of human beings, allowing people to live longer, healthier lives.< /p>

Longevity is not yet considered an official medical term, and aging is not officially considered a disease but a natural phenomenon in all living things.

However, some biologists, researchers and medical practitioners believe that this approach should change and are working to uncover the mechanisms of aging in humans. In doing so, they are creating age clocks by defining biomarkers to measure biological age, exploring better lifestyle habits and natural supplements, and inventing new drugs that could prevent us from aging.


Longevity has been on the radar of crypto leaders for quite some time now, which comes as no surprise given that the industry promises to better humanity through innovation. Indeed, a premier event in the longevity industry, the Longevity Investors Conference, is hosted by Marc P. Bernegger and Tobias Reichmuth, who were previously involved with the Crypto Finance Group.

Crypto meets longevity

At the latest iteration of the Longevity Investors Conference in September 2022, speakers on the "Crypto Meets Longevity" panel noted that both industries - crypto and longevity - are disruptive areas that challenge established standards.

“Everyone here in this room is, to some extent, a trailblazer because we are really coming together in a phase where it’s similar to the internet, bitcoin, and other exciting industries,” said Bernegger, who is the founding partner of Maximon. — an accelerator for longevity companies.

Aubrey de Grey, an English biomedical author and gerontologist, pointed out that the mindset of crypto and longevity innovators is very similar, with both being "completely comfortable working in an area which is still very unorthodox and which needs to be advanced". ”

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