What will you do if your spouse did not disclose that he had a child before the marriage?

Our correspondent explains to adults how they will react if they find out that their partner had a child before marriage and did not tell them

That would be misleading – Mr. Itekena Chepaka

It will be very misleading for anyone to do this. The first thing to do in a union is to reveal whether they have already had a child or not. They need to be open about it. What if I don't have the ability to take care of the child? What if my parents don't allow it? I won't throw the child away but I will be wary of such a partner because there may be more she is hiding.

I won't let this ruin my union - Pat Hart

I'm not praying for this to happen, but if it does, I won't let it affect the union. I will first ask him why he refused to tell me. He must give me a reason. When he does, we will discuss the welfare of the child and how I, as his wife, will also take care of the baby.

I will accept the child and the mother

Thank God Morgan

I will accept the child and my wife despite what happened. I can't abandon my wife because of this. I will also babysit. There is nothing like an illegitimate child. The deed has been done.

It's not the end of the world

Nkechi Dan

I am a Christian and believe that God will not give me what I cannot bear. I know it won't happen to me, but if it does, it's not the end of the world. I will pray about it and make sure God is in full control of the situation.

That's not what I'm praying for

Gbugamanye Morgan

I'm not praying for this at all because it would be disappointing. Putting all your hope and love on just one person and seeing it shattered like this can be a major source of heartache for couples, and I hope that won't be my part.

It's in her past – Joy Peters

It's all part of his past. It's going to hurt at first but I'll make sure we talk about it. If the child's mother is willing to take care of him, I will be there as support. My husband must also support me. The deed has been done. We just have to deal with it so we don't ruin our marriage.

This is going to break my heart – Goddy Godson

My heart will be broken. I love children but I think every woman should know that she has to be open to her partner. No one should deceive the other for any reason. I will talk to him about it and we will find a way, but it will be very difficult to trust this person again.

God Will Intervene – Mabel George

I believe in God to handle such a problem. I will pray about it first because it was God who brought me into this union, and I am sure he will not let me down. But, as a human being, it will be disappointing because it is not what is expected of an adult. Anything that has happened in the past that tends to harm the future should be revealed to the other party so that there are no surprises.

My children's well-being must not be affected – Patience Ogheneweware

It's very painful. But I won't necessarily break the union. I'm sure we'll have problems. I just want the child to be healthy, but as long as it doesn't affect my child's well-being, I don't mind.

I will accept the child as mine - Chukwuneke Augustine

I will take the child as my own. I can tell him to drop the child off at his parents. It's one or the other of the two but, personally, I will take the child as my own. Children are gifts from God.

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What will you do if your spouse did not disclose that he had a child before the marriage?

Our correspondent explains to adults how they will react if they find out that their partner had a child before marriage and did not tell them

That would be misleading – Mr. Itekena Chepaka

It will be very misleading for anyone to do this. The first thing to do in a union is to reveal whether they have already had a child or not. They need to be open about it. What if I don't have the ability to take care of the child? What if my parents don't allow it? I won't throw the child away but I will be wary of such a partner because there may be more she is hiding.

I won't let this ruin my union - Pat Hart

I'm not praying for this to happen, but if it does, I won't let it affect the union. I will first ask him why he refused to tell me. He must give me a reason. When he does, we will discuss the welfare of the child and how I, as his wife, will also take care of the baby.

I will accept the child and the mother

Thank God Morgan

I will accept the child and my wife despite what happened. I can't abandon my wife because of this. I will also babysit. There is nothing like an illegitimate child. The deed has been done.

It's not the end of the world

Nkechi Dan

I am a Christian and believe that God will not give me what I cannot bear. I know it won't happen to me, but if it does, it's not the end of the world. I will pray about it and make sure God is in full control of the situation.

That's not what I'm praying for

Gbugamanye Morgan

I'm not praying for this at all because it would be disappointing. Putting all your hope and love on just one person and seeing it shattered like this can be a major source of heartache for couples, and I hope that won't be my part.

It's in her past – Joy Peters

It's all part of his past. It's going to hurt at first but I'll make sure we talk about it. If the child's mother is willing to take care of him, I will be there as support. My husband must also support me. The deed has been done. We just have to deal with it so we don't ruin our marriage.

This is going to break my heart – Goddy Godson

My heart will be broken. I love children but I think every woman should know that she has to be open to her partner. No one should deceive the other for any reason. I will talk to him about it and we will find a way, but it will be very difficult to trust this person again.

God Will Intervene – Mabel George

I believe in God to handle such a problem. I will pray about it first because it was God who brought me into this union, and I am sure he will not let me down. But, as a human being, it will be disappointing because it is not what is expected of an adult. Anything that has happened in the past that tends to harm the future should be revealed to the other party so that there are no surprises.

My children's well-being must not be affected – Patience Ogheneweware

It's very painful. But I won't necessarily break the union. I'm sure we'll have problems. I just want the child to be healthy, but as long as it doesn't affect my child's well-being, I don't mind.

I will accept the child as mine - Chukwuneke Augustine

I will take the child as my own. I can tell him to drop the child off at his parents. It's one or the other of the two but, personally, I will take the child as my own. Children are gifts from God.

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