What's the secret to a successful website business? Be a human, not a homepage

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Working from an online business makes it easy to hide from the public. We're not all social butterflies, and the internet can be tricky at times. Also, your website should be about your business, right? It's not a page; you offer a product or service for a price. However, consider this. These days they are more likely than ever to operate exclusively online, which means their website is the main face – perhaps the only face – of their business. This "face" must show itself!

Since I started Sensation Jewelry, it's been an online business. Our website serves as the front office, store and face for customers around the world. Speaking of faces, we use mine! I model my jewelry and include photos of events I attend for the causes I support (with my husband, Anthony Hood, who looks dapper in a tuxedo). I do this so my customers recognize me and know that I stand behind my product, my passion for female empowerment, and my commitment to giving back. When customers visit my website, I want them to feel like they're buying from a friend.

When I'm interviewed, people ask me to give advice to new entrepreneurs. I always say, "Start building your brand image as soon as possible. Show customers the face of your business." And yes, that face can literally be yours. But even if you don't, you need to tell prospects who you are and what you stand for when it comes to that product or service. Can this be done without crossing the line between a reputable corporate website and foreign social media? Of course, just follow a few simple steps.

Related: Five Reasons Your Business Should Have Its Own Website

Know who your customers are

If you don't know who you're selling to, your marketing efforts will be wasted, and unless you're selling oxygen for respiratory purposes, you can't sell to everyone.

Once you know your target customer, stop trying to talk to everyone. Is your target niche young and irreverent? Then your website should be. Do you speak to baby boomers with social concerns? Let them know that you are mature and aware. Explore as far as you can. The more targeted your niche is, the better you can show you have the capability and understand their experience.

Let customers know that you "get it."

Is your business solving a problem or fulfilling a desire? Let customers know that you too experienced their frustration. My whole business plan started when I didn't have a lot of disposable income and I found a beautiful, affordable piece of jewelry. I got so many compliments I thought, "I could sell this to women like me." Incorporate your personal story into the buying process.

Keep the entire website up to date

Even if nothing changes, show that someone updated the site with the month or season. Nothing is reassuring about a site that gives the impression that no one has registered for months.

Include photos and a video of yourself

Introduce yourself displaying or talking about your products and services. For example, people generally enjoy watching instructional videos more than they enjoy reading instructions, so make a video for them explaining how your product works. One thing: if you use images or videos, make sure they are of the quality required by your brand. Amateur work for a professional product sends the wrong message. Also, use your first name wherever appropriate. Make sure your customers know who you are. "Oh, it's Mary! And it's Mary with her husband, Anthony. Wow, he's wearing that tuxedo!"...

What's the secret to a successful website business? Be a human, not a homepage

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Working from an online business makes it easy to hide from the public. We're not all social butterflies, and the internet can be tricky at times. Also, your website should be about your business, right? It's not a page; you offer a product or service for a price. However, consider this. These days they are more likely than ever to operate exclusively online, which means their website is the main face – perhaps the only face – of their business. This "face" must show itself!

Since I started Sensation Jewelry, it's been an online business. Our website serves as the front office, store and face for customers around the world. Speaking of faces, we use mine! I model my jewelry and include photos of events I attend for the causes I support (with my husband, Anthony Hood, who looks dapper in a tuxedo). I do this so my customers recognize me and know that I stand behind my product, my passion for female empowerment, and my commitment to giving back. When customers visit my website, I want them to feel like they're buying from a friend.

When I'm interviewed, people ask me to give advice to new entrepreneurs. I always say, "Start building your brand image as soon as possible. Show customers the face of your business." And yes, that face can literally be yours. But even if you don't, you need to tell prospects who you are and what you stand for when it comes to that product or service. Can this be done without crossing the line between a reputable corporate website and foreign social media? Of course, just follow a few simple steps.

Related: Five Reasons Your Business Should Have Its Own Website

Know who your customers are

If you don't know who you're selling to, your marketing efforts will be wasted, and unless you're selling oxygen for respiratory purposes, you can't sell to everyone.

Once you know your target customer, stop trying to talk to everyone. Is your target niche young and irreverent? Then your website should be. Do you speak to baby boomers with social concerns? Let them know that you are mature and aware. Explore as far as you can. The more targeted your niche is, the better you can show you have the capability and understand their experience.

Let customers know that you "get it."

Is your business solving a problem or fulfilling a desire? Let customers know that you too experienced their frustration. My whole business plan started when I didn't have a lot of disposable income and I found a beautiful, affordable piece of jewelry. I got so many compliments I thought, "I could sell this to women like me." Incorporate your personal story into the buying process.

Keep the entire website up to date

Even if nothing changes, show that someone updated the site with the month or season. Nothing is reassuring about a site that gives the impression that no one has registered for months.

Include photos and a video of yourself

Introduce yourself displaying or talking about your products and services. For example, people generally enjoy watching instructional videos more than they enjoy reading instructions, so make a video for them explaining how your product works. One thing: if you use images or videos, make sure they are of the quality required by your brand. Amateur work for a professional product sends the wrong message. Also, use your first name wherever appropriate. Make sure your customers know who you are. "Oh, it's Mary! And it's Mary with her husband, Anthony. Wow, he's wearing that tuxedo!"...

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