Why INEC might not hold credible elections in 2023 – Odinkalu

Nigerian human rights activist Chidi Odinkalu has said that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) may not be able to organize credible elections in Nigeria in 2023.

Mr. Odinkalu, former chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, spoke on Channels TV's Politics Today program from Boston, USA on Monday.

He said that while it was "good and extremely important" that many Nigerians have registered to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) for the 2023 general election, it is more important to have a CENI that can organize credible elections.

Mr. Odinkalu, a lawyer, said the electoral commission was unlikely to be able to organize credible elections under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

"To my great regret, I don't think the current INEC agrees with the Nigerians to be honest. And I really have my doubts whether the current INEC can conduct credible elections under the current leadership. I say this with great regret, but I will give you my reason," he said.

Mr. Odinkalu, a professor and writer, recalled that Mr Buhari once said he would guarantee the integrity of the 2023 general election. He said the assurance was unusual and hinted at possible wrongdoing.

“Under Nigerian law, the President cannot guarantee the integrity of elections. It is none of his business. independent.

“The only entity that has the responsibility to guarantee the integrity of the elections is the INEC. And the INEC has not said a word about the fact that the president has effectively expropriated their responsibility,” said Mr. .Odinkalu.

He said it is troubling that there are many parts of the country where INEC will not be able to deploy its officials for the elections due to the growing insecurity in the country. TEXEM Advert

“You and I know that the Governor of Kaduna State, (Nasir el-Rufai), wrote to the President saying that Ansaru, for example, is establishing a parallel government, preventing people from campaigning, to expropriate and extort people for taxation in certain parts of the state. This means that INEC may not be able to deploy poll workers in many of these places,” he said. declared.

"There are many other places in the northeast, parts of the northwest, in Imo State, actually in Oru East, the local government area of ​​the governor of State (Hope Uzodinma) INEC cannot safely deploy its officials to these areas.

“But INEC claims to all of us that it can run elections and fabricate the results of 774 local government areas in Nigeria. This is patently false,” the jurist said.

He said that INEC should honestly state where it cannot hold elections in the country so that Nigerians take note of those areas.

READ ALSO: Violation of electoral law: INEC responds to CSOs and says display of voter lists will hold

The human rights activist also criticized INEC's choice of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVA) as the machine to read PVCs and authenticate voters.

He pointed out that BVAs require broadband access to operate, which is not available in many parts of the country.

“BVAs are dependent on broadband and we know that broadband in Nigeria at present is only 55-57%.

“Essentially, between 40% and 45% of the country does not have access to broadband. It is in 2G or 3G territory and will not be able to support the deployment of BVAs,” he said.< /p> Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. F...

Why INEC might not hold credible elections in 2023 – Odinkalu

Nigerian human rights activist Chidi Odinkalu has said that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) may not be able to organize credible elections in Nigeria in 2023.

Mr. Odinkalu, former chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, spoke on Channels TV's Politics Today program from Boston, USA on Monday.

He said that while it was "good and extremely important" that many Nigerians have registered to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) for the 2023 general election, it is more important to have a CENI that can organize credible elections.

Mr. Odinkalu, a lawyer, said the electoral commission was unlikely to be able to organize credible elections under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

"To my great regret, I don't think the current INEC agrees with the Nigerians to be honest. And I really have my doubts whether the current INEC can conduct credible elections under the current leadership. I say this with great regret, but I will give you my reason," he said.

Mr. Odinkalu, a professor and writer, recalled that Mr Buhari once said he would guarantee the integrity of the 2023 general election. He said the assurance was unusual and hinted at possible wrongdoing.

“Under Nigerian law, the President cannot guarantee the integrity of elections. It is none of his business. independent.

“The only entity that has the responsibility to guarantee the integrity of the elections is the INEC. And the INEC has not said a word about the fact that the president has effectively expropriated their responsibility,” said Mr. .Odinkalu.

He said it is troubling that there are many parts of the country where INEC will not be able to deploy its officials for the elections due to the growing insecurity in the country. TEXEM Advert

“You and I know that the Governor of Kaduna State, (Nasir el-Rufai), wrote to the President saying that Ansaru, for example, is establishing a parallel government, preventing people from campaigning, to expropriate and extort people for taxation in certain parts of the state. This means that INEC may not be able to deploy poll workers in many of these places,” he said. declared.

"There are many other places in the northeast, parts of the northwest, in Imo State, actually in Oru East, the local government area of ​​the governor of State (Hope Uzodinma) INEC cannot safely deploy its officials to these areas.

“But INEC claims to all of us that it can run elections and fabricate the results of 774 local government areas in Nigeria. This is patently false,” the jurist said.

He said that INEC should honestly state where it cannot hold elections in the country so that Nigerians take note of those areas.

READ ALSO: Violation of electoral law: INEC responds to CSOs and says display of voter lists will hold

The human rights activist also criticized INEC's choice of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVA) as the machine to read PVCs and authenticate voters.

He pointed out that BVAs require broadband access to operate, which is not available in many parts of the country.

“BVAs are dependent on broadband and we know that broadband in Nigeria at present is only 55-57%.

“Essentially, between 40% and 45% of the country does not have access to broadband. It is in 2G or 3G territory and will not be able to support the deployment of BVAs,” he said.< /p> Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. F...

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