Why Nigeria must get it right in 2023, by NNPP Chairman Alkali

The National Chairman of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), Rufa'i Alkali, has said that Nigerians must make the right choice in the upcoming general elections of 2023 to save the country from collapse.

Speaking in Lagos, Alkali said electing the right leader in 2023 will help shape the future of the country and its citizens. nationwide surprises in the legislative elections. According to him, the type of leadership that the NNPP will provide will be totally different from what other parties have offered and are offering. He said, “Let us ask ourselves, are we happy with what is happening in Nigeria today? Are we satisfied with what the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has done in the country or what the All Progressives Congress (APC) in power is doing, especially in terms of managing the economy and security? “Look at the education, infrastructure and health sectors, are we happy? If we are happy, we don't need an alternative. If we are not satisfied, it means we need an alternative; the alternative will not simply come, it must come through the efforts of patriotic Nigerians, who are willing to say enough is enough. Speaking on the ability of the NNPP to defeat the APC and the PDP in the upcoming elections, Alkali, former presidential adviser for political affairs to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, said the determination of Nigerians is a factor that would give any political party victory. chance. “If you look at how the APC emerged, it suddenly appeared out of nowhere less than a year before the election. Even the PDP, 1998 was the most difficult period of transition, but in 1999 there were elections and the PDP emerged then. Sometimes there is this tendency that while people are looking for a deliverer or a savior, when the savior finally comes, they are not even sure that he is the saviour.

"Nigerians make the parties; it is human beings who make the parties not parties who make the people. He said the NNPP is a party driven by ideas and genuine concern for the future of the country and that it cannot be too late or too early to win elections."There are several levels of consensus that Nigerians have built among themselves, consciously or unconsciously. "There are consensuses among Nigerians and part of that is they want democracy. They love freedom. They want good governance. They want accountable government. They want inclusive government. They want the country to be run by credible leaders, leaders leaders, who before they pick up a pen and write a policy or anything, will consider the consequences of that policy on the general interest of Nigerians, according to him, the security and economy of the nation are under pr ession due to the cumulative effects of policies imposed on Nigeria over the past 40 years.

He said some of those policies had dismantled anything that could provide and protect jobs. Alkali said there was a need to address the challenges facing the nation and strengthen the unity of the nation, which prompted some northern elites to coalesce into the NNPP to build a greater Nigeria. “Nigerians yearn for a better future. Nigeria wants self-respect when they travel. Nigerians are very proud people. They don't want to be relegated. We have the resources, we have the personnel, but everything has started to degenerate,” he said. He noted, “Nigerians are disappointed with what has been offered to them over the years. Nigerians do not compare themselves to those below their level, below average. We compare ourselves to the advanced countries of the world, that's why whenever Nigerians talk; they talk about development in the US, UK, Japan and elsewhere. We don't compare ourselves to other African countries or anything they have achieved. “It is because we believe that we are supposed to lead and others should follow with all sense of responsibility but Nigerians are disappointed. It is a sad situation that Nigerians are losing hope in their country. Nigerians are also losing hope in democracy itself and even in themselves.This is how things are going badly right now.

He lamented that the disorder caused by the ruling class was the reason the people were agitating for secession. "When the idea of ​​creating a national movement was launched, the country was not only divided, but it was adrift. People were determined to create republics. Everyone knows that when you want to have a republic , you have to be ready for war. They were making flags for themselves, people were taking up arms and ready to fight. Is this the kind of country we want?

"We (NNPP) anticipated...

Why Nigeria must get it right in 2023, by NNPP Chairman Alkali

The National Chairman of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), Rufa'i Alkali, has said that Nigerians must make the right choice in the upcoming general elections of 2023 to save the country from collapse.

Speaking in Lagos, Alkali said electing the right leader in 2023 will help shape the future of the country and its citizens. nationwide surprises in the legislative elections. According to him, the type of leadership that the NNPP will provide will be totally different from what other parties have offered and are offering. He said, “Let us ask ourselves, are we happy with what is happening in Nigeria today? Are we satisfied with what the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has done in the country or what the All Progressives Congress (APC) in power is doing, especially in terms of managing the economy and security? “Look at the education, infrastructure and health sectors, are we happy? If we are happy, we don't need an alternative. If we are not satisfied, it means we need an alternative; the alternative will not simply come, it must come through the efforts of patriotic Nigerians, who are willing to say enough is enough. Speaking on the ability of the NNPP to defeat the APC and the PDP in the upcoming elections, Alkali, former presidential adviser for political affairs to ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, said the determination of Nigerians is a factor that would give any political party victory. chance. “If you look at how the APC emerged, it suddenly appeared out of nowhere less than a year before the election. Even the PDP, 1998 was the most difficult period of transition, but in 1999 there were elections and the PDP emerged then. Sometimes there is this tendency that while people are looking for a deliverer or a savior, when the savior finally comes, they are not even sure that he is the saviour.

"Nigerians make the parties; it is human beings who make the parties not parties who make the people. He said the NNPP is a party driven by ideas and genuine concern for the future of the country and that it cannot be too late or too early to win elections."There are several levels of consensus that Nigerians have built among themselves, consciously or unconsciously. "There are consensuses among Nigerians and part of that is they want democracy. They love freedom. They want good governance. They want accountable government. They want inclusive government. They want the country to be run by credible leaders, leaders leaders, who before they pick up a pen and write a policy or anything, will consider the consequences of that policy on the general interest of Nigerians, according to him, the security and economy of the nation are under pr ession due to the cumulative effects of policies imposed on Nigeria over the past 40 years.

He said some of those policies had dismantled anything that could provide and protect jobs. Alkali said there was a need to address the challenges facing the nation and strengthen the unity of the nation, which prompted some northern elites to coalesce into the NNPP to build a greater Nigeria. “Nigerians yearn for a better future. Nigeria wants self-respect when they travel. Nigerians are very proud people. They don't want to be relegated. We have the resources, we have the personnel, but everything has started to degenerate,” he said. He noted, “Nigerians are disappointed with what has been offered to them over the years. Nigerians do not compare themselves to those below their level, below average. We compare ourselves to the advanced countries of the world, that's why whenever Nigerians talk; they talk about development in the US, UK, Japan and elsewhere. We don't compare ourselves to other African countries or anything they have achieved. “It is because we believe that we are supposed to lead and others should follow with all sense of responsibility but Nigerians are disappointed. It is a sad situation that Nigerians are losing hope in their country. Nigerians are also losing hope in democracy itself and even in themselves.This is how things are going badly right now.

He lamented that the disorder caused by the ruling class was the reason the people were agitating for secession. "When the idea of ​​creating a national movement was launched, the country was not only divided, but it was adrift. People were determined to create republics. Everyone knows that when you want to have a republic , you have to be ready for war. They were making flags for themselves, people were taking up arms and ready to fight. Is this the kind of country we want?

"We (NNPP) anticipated...

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