“Why Nigerians should be patient with Tinubu and trust APC”

Salis urges President has reflect national unit In government

Deputy National Advertisement secretary of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Duro Meseko, has appeals has Nigerians has be patient And trust THE decision to party And President Bolas Tinubu has turn around THE social And economic fortunes of THE country, despite THE failure of THE pass administration.

THE call was future against THE background of THE recent critical dragging THE Strategies of Tinubu administration, particularly THE fuel grant deletion, which has brought pain has a lot Nigerians. Meseko, during A interactive session with journalists In Lokoja, has THE weekend, exhorted Nigerians has trust THE here captain of Nigeria, Tinubu, has deliver on her election promises. He describe Tinubu as "A experimented politician, businessman And public administrator," quoting her Exploits like Lagos governor And What he begin TO DO In THE First of all 100 days In desk as President.

LAGOS State governorship candidate of Alliance For Democracy (ANNOUNCEMENT) In 2019, Chief Owolabi Salis, has called on Tinubu has ensure justice And equity In her appointment. THE New Based in York lawyer And chartered an accountant, In A statement, yesterday, against THE background of Criticisms dragging THE Of the president the people named, note that THE appointment, usually, should be A Street has engineer national unit And cohesion. Salis, WHO East Also A expert In diversity management, said division was not A option For THE new administration In see of current challenges focused towards THE nation. He stress that This was considering THE division, which polarized THE country along religious And ethnic lines, during THE last general elections.“Like A diversity expert And someone with A deep awareness of Nigerian policy, A would be to have expected that Nothing that could further divide OUR people would be to have has been avoid Since day A. For A character as Tinubu And her to party, THE APC, they could to have do better, going by THE directory of experiences. "Moreover, THE Yoruba are For equity. They are known has harmonize miscellaneous interests And bring everyone together; that East Yoruba spirituality," Salis said.

“Why Nigerians should be patient with Tinubu and trust APC”

Salis urges President has reflect national unit In government

Deputy National Advertisement secretary of THE All Progressives Congress (APC), Duro Meseko, has appeals has Nigerians has be patient And trust THE decision to party And President Bolas Tinubu has turn around THE social And economic fortunes of THE country, despite THE failure of THE pass administration.

THE call was future against THE background of THE recent critical dragging THE Strategies of Tinubu administration, particularly THE fuel grant deletion, which has brought pain has a lot Nigerians. Meseko, during A interactive session with journalists In Lokoja, has THE weekend, exhorted Nigerians has trust THE here captain of Nigeria, Tinubu, has deliver on her election promises. He describe Tinubu as "A experimented politician, businessman And public administrator," quoting her Exploits like Lagos governor And What he begin TO DO In THE First of all 100 days In desk as President.

LAGOS State governorship candidate of Alliance For Democracy (ANNOUNCEMENT) In 2019, Chief Owolabi Salis, has called on Tinubu has ensure justice And equity In her appointment. THE New Based in York lawyer And chartered an accountant, In A statement, yesterday, against THE background of Criticisms dragging THE Of the president the people named, note that THE appointment, usually, should be A Street has engineer national unit And cohesion. Salis, WHO East Also A expert In diversity management, said division was not A option For THE new administration In see of current challenges focused towards THE nation. He stress that This was considering THE division, which polarized THE country along religious And ethnic lines, during THE last general elections.“Like A diversity expert And someone with A deep awareness of Nigerian policy, A would be to have expected that Nothing that could further divide OUR people would be to have has been avoid Since day A. For A character as Tinubu And her to party, THE APC, they could to have do better, going by THE directory of experiences. "Moreover, THE Yoruba are For equity. They are known has harmonize miscellaneous interests And bring everyone together; that East Yoruba spirituality," Salis said.

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