X uses Grok to publish AI-generated news summaries

X East using Grok has publish AI-powered summaries of news And other the subjects that orient yourself on THE platform. THE functionality, which East Currently only available has prime the subscribers, East called "Stories on X," according to has A job Since THE the company engineering account.

According to has X, Grok rests on users' posts has generate THE text extracts. A few seem has be more focused on current events, while others are summaries of conversations event on THE platform himself. A user job A screenshot that watch stories about Apples earnings report And help has Ukraine, as GOOD as A For "Musk, Experts Debate National Debt," which was A summary of A "Candid online discussion" between Musk And other "prominent The figures" on X.

If any of them of This sounds familiar, It is Also remarkably similar has Moments, THE long duration Twitter functionality that organized authoritative tweets about important news And cultural moments on THE platform. THE functionality, which was supervised by A team of human staff members, was kill In 2022.

As other generative AI tools, Grok summaries come with A disclaimer. "This history East A summary of posts on X And can evolve on time," he said. “Grok can TO DO errors, check It is outputs." Grok, of course, doesn't Exactly to have THE best track save When he come has precisely interpretation current events. He previously generated A weird history suggesting that NBA player Klay Thompson went on A "vandalism party" because he I could not to understand What "launch bricks » supposed In THE context of A basketball Thu.

X uses Grok to publish AI-generated news summaries

X East using Grok has publish AI-powered summaries of news And other the subjects that orient yourself on THE platform. THE functionality, which East Currently only available has prime the subscribers, East called "Stories on X," according to has A job Since THE the company engineering account.

According to has X, Grok rests on users' posts has generate THE text extracts. A few seem has be more focused on current events, while others are summaries of conversations event on THE platform himself. A user job A screenshot that watch stories about Apples earnings report And help has Ukraine, as GOOD as A For "Musk, Experts Debate National Debt," which was A summary of A "Candid online discussion" between Musk And other "prominent The figures" on X.

If any of them of This sounds familiar, It is Also remarkably similar has Moments, THE long duration Twitter functionality that organized authoritative tweets about important news And cultural moments on THE platform. THE functionality, which was supervised by A team of human staff members, was kill In 2022.

As other generative AI tools, Grok summaries come with A disclaimer. "This history East A summary of posts on X And can evolve on time," he said. “Grok can TO DO errors, check It is outputs." Grok, of course, doesn't Exactly to have THE best track save When he come has precisely interpretation current events. He previously generated A weird history suggesting that NBA player Klay Thompson went on A "vandalism party" because he I could not to understand What "launch bricks » supposed In THE context of A basketball Thu.

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