You need to diversify your content to compete in today's marketing environment. Here's why (and how to do it).

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Keeping your audience entertained in the golden age of cross-platform media has become essential to online success. To do this, you need to learn how to switch branded content and experiment on new and different platforms.

Why should you edit your branded content? Having a diverse content strategy is essential in today's oversaturated, competitive, and ever-changing marketing environment. If your marketing strategy relies heavily on branded content, you need to make sure it's diverse in terms of how, when, and where it's shared. You risk losing audience interest and engagement if you use the same content and formats across all platforms.

Only by stepping out of your comfort zone and learning to take calculated risks will your branded content thrive. Otherwise, by not embracing content diversification and investing in new platforms, you are missing out on opportunities to engage your audience on their terms.

Related: How to know if you are producing quality content

How to evolve your brand content?

While adhering to your core values, your content strategy should evolve to meet the specific needs of each platform and its users. In doing so, always be open to new information and think about how it may affect your target audience. Being adaptable will allow you to refine your strategy and grow as a content creator, marketer and business.

Flexibility in creating your branded content doesn't have to be difficult. However, proper research is needed to be successful. That's why there's one key action all brands should take before creating new branded content: research new platforms.

Why study new platforms?

Put simply, the interests and behaviors of users differ across social media platforms due to the "trends" of each platform. For example:

Image-based platforms like Instagram are generally viewed by users as entertainment resources

Whereas text-based platforms such as Twitter or LinkedIn are considered sources of information.

Understanding the inner workings of different platforms is essential if you want to create bespoke content. This new information will have a significant impact on your approach to content development and expansion.

Brands need to know why users interact with specific platforms. This will allow them to tailor their new content to these audiences and engage with them in a way that they respond and feel comfortable with. If you don't spend time researching who your message might reach, you risk coming across as misinformed. That's why you should always keep up to date with new developments in content marketing.

Related: Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Go beyond text and image platforms

In our modern age, there are more than just text and image platforms to consider, namely: the metaverse. Although the metaverse is not a single platform, it has many touchpoints with different types of audiences.

For example, Polar, TheSoul Publishing's first "digital popstar", was created as part of our efforts to grow our audience. In July, she performed...

You need to diversify your content to compete in today's marketing environment. Here's why (and how to do it).

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Keeping your audience entertained in the golden age of cross-platform media has become essential to online success. To do this, you need to learn how to switch branded content and experiment on new and different platforms.

Why should you edit your branded content? Having a diverse content strategy is essential in today's oversaturated, competitive, and ever-changing marketing environment. If your marketing strategy relies heavily on branded content, you need to make sure it's diverse in terms of how, when, and where it's shared. You risk losing audience interest and engagement if you use the same content and formats across all platforms.

Only by stepping out of your comfort zone and learning to take calculated risks will your branded content thrive. Otherwise, by not embracing content diversification and investing in new platforms, you are missing out on opportunities to engage your audience on their terms.

Related: How to know if you are producing quality content

How to evolve your brand content?

While adhering to your core values, your content strategy should evolve to meet the specific needs of each platform and its users. In doing so, always be open to new information and think about how it may affect your target audience. Being adaptable will allow you to refine your strategy and grow as a content creator, marketer and business.

Flexibility in creating your branded content doesn't have to be difficult. However, proper research is needed to be successful. That's why there's one key action all brands should take before creating new branded content: research new platforms.

Why study new platforms?

Put simply, the interests and behaviors of users differ across social media platforms due to the "trends" of each platform. For example:

Image-based platforms like Instagram are generally viewed by users as entertainment resources

Whereas text-based platforms such as Twitter or LinkedIn are considered sources of information.

Understanding the inner workings of different platforms is essential if you want to create bespoke content. This new information will have a significant impact on your approach to content development and expansion.

Brands need to know why users interact with specific platforms. This will allow them to tailor their new content to these audiences and engage with them in a way that they respond and feel comfortable with. If you don't spend time researching who your message might reach, you risk coming across as misinformed. That's why you should always keep up to date with new developments in content marketing.

Related: Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Go beyond text and image platforms

In our modern age, there are more than just text and image platforms to consider, namely: the metaverse. Although the metaverse is not a single platform, it has many touchpoints with different types of audiences.

For example, Polar, TheSoul Publishing's first "digital popstar", was created as part of our efforts to grow our audience. In July, she performed...

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