10 clear signs you might need a better work-life balance (and how to get it)

In the era of remote work, the lines between work and personal time have become increasingly blurred. But regardless of work environment, industry or even job level, it can be difficult to “switch off” work when the day is done, leaving professionals to grapple with consequences such as burnout, mental health crises and increased stress levels.

As experienced business leaders, Young Entrepreneur Council members know that a poor work-life balance can be a significant roadblock to success. Below, 10 of them share clear signs that you might need to improve the balance between your personal and professional life, as well as how you can achieve it.

1. You feel irritated all the time

Sometimes you just can't stop feeling irritated and annoyed by the slightest problem. When this happens consistently for a while, you know you need a better work-life balance. Overloading yourself with too much work can leave you frustrated. Just take the day off and turn off all electronics. Meanwhile, say no to checking your emails and text messages and ignore all work-related calls. This quick break can work like therapy and help you regain your peace of mind when you return to work. -Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

2. You have pessimistic thoughts

The clearest indicator of an imbalance between your work and your life is your thoughts and the way they manifest. Do you feel pessimistic? Do you feel exhausted after each problem that arises, praying that another doesn't arise? How would your spouse or family describe your current mood? Answering these questions will give you insight into your current headspace. If you find yourself experiencing this lack of desire, aka burnout, the first thing you need to do is treat yourself like someone you are responsible for. Keep the inner dialogue positive. Give yourself some grace and start formulating a plan. Maybe it's an extra round of golf or a Friday off for a long weekend in the woods. Whatever it is that grounds you, do it and give yourself some grace. - Shane Levinson, Arizona Rugs

3. You never have time for yourself

Work-life balance is important for everyone, but it's especially important for people with demanding jobs that keep them constantly on the move. If you have a job that requires a lot of travel or long hours, maintaining work-life balance can be difficult. However, if you recognize the signs that you need a better work-life balance, it's easier to find ways to improve your situation. For example, if you feel like you never have time for yourself, make time for yourself by going on a date or spending time with your friends. Keep track of how much time you spend at work and at home each day and make adjustments as needed. Working fewer hours per week could be a way to achieve a better work-life balance - Kelly Richardson,

10 clear signs you might need a better work-life balance (and how to get it)

In the era of remote work, the lines between work and personal time have become increasingly blurred. But regardless of work environment, industry or even job level, it can be difficult to “switch off” work when the day is done, leaving professionals to grapple with consequences such as burnout, mental health crises and increased stress levels.

As experienced business leaders, Young Entrepreneur Council members know that a poor work-life balance can be a significant roadblock to success. Below, 10 of them share clear signs that you might need to improve the balance between your personal and professional life, as well as how you can achieve it.

1. You feel irritated all the time

Sometimes you just can't stop feeling irritated and annoyed by the slightest problem. When this happens consistently for a while, you know you need a better work-life balance. Overloading yourself with too much work can leave you frustrated. Just take the day off and turn off all electronics. Meanwhile, say no to checking your emails and text messages and ignore all work-related calls. This quick break can work like therapy and help you regain your peace of mind when you return to work. -Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

2. You have pessimistic thoughts

The clearest indicator of an imbalance between your work and your life is your thoughts and the way they manifest. Do you feel pessimistic? Do you feel exhausted after each problem that arises, praying that another doesn't arise? How would your spouse or family describe your current mood? Answering these questions will give you insight into your current headspace. If you find yourself experiencing this lack of desire, aka burnout, the first thing you need to do is treat yourself like someone you are responsible for. Keep the inner dialogue positive. Give yourself some grace and start formulating a plan. Maybe it's an extra round of golf or a Friday off for a long weekend in the woods. Whatever it is that grounds you, do it and give yourself some grace. - Shane Levinson, Arizona Rugs

3. You never have time for yourself

Work-life balance is important for everyone, but it's especially important for people with demanding jobs that keep them constantly on the move. If you have a job that requires a lot of travel or long hours, maintaining work-life balance can be difficult. However, if you recognize the signs that you need a better work-life balance, it's easier to find ways to improve your situation. For example, if you feel like you never have time for yourself, make time for yourself by going on a date or spending time with your friends. Keep track of how much time you spend at work and at home each day and make adjustments as needed. Working fewer hours per week could be a way to achieve a better work-life balance - Kelly Richardson,

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