15 cheat codes for life: Jump 7 years ahead of people

When you played video games as a kid, you probably often searched for cheat codes to help you gain a competitive edge. Specific cheat codes would help you get to the next level of the game when you feel stuck.

As a result, this cheat code would unlock a new achievement and save you a lot of time. Did you know that there are cheat codes in life that could put you ahead of others?

We're going to look at 15 cheat codes that will put you years ahead of 95% of people.

Table of Contents

1. Be comfortable with being rejected. The sooner you stop fearing rejection, the sooner you can become unstoppable.

Every successful entrepreneur or person has had a long list of failures. As much as we love to glorify risk takers, we can't ignore how far they have failed on the path to success. One could even say that the road to success is paved with failures and shattered dreams.

The good news is that each rejection or failure brings you closer to a life-changing yes. They say that when one door closes, another opens. It may not seem like it right now, but these rejections will help you become more tenacious so you're ready to face whatever life throws your way.

2. Pay attention to how people treat service workers, as it reveals their true colors.

How someone treats those who can't do something for them accurately indicates character. You can learn a lot from how someone treats service people.

There's a quote that sums it up best, and we really can't argue with the greatest of all time:

"I don't trust anyone who is nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same if I was in that position. ― Muhammad Ali

3. Embrace adversity as it will help you grow more than being stuck in your comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is the worst place you can spend time if you want to grow your life. The comfort zone is where dreams go to die because nothing remarkable ever came from playing it safe.

How to deal with adversity?

Don't be afraid to suck on something new. Constantly challenge yourself. Try a new sport regardless of your age. Ask the opinion of people who are not afraid to hurt you. If it scares you, it means you have to do it. If your goals aren't daunting, then they aren't bold enough. 4. Take action first, then think about it as you go.

Many of us want to know everything before we act. Acting when you don't know all the answers is a real superpower. The stars will never align and the universe will never conspire to give you the perfect conditions to begin with. First you have to take action, then watch how everything conspires in your favor once you start building your own momentum.

This Ryan Holiday quote from "The Obstacle is The Way" best sums it up:

"We often assume that the world moves as we please. We delay when we should start. We run when we should run or, better yet, sprint. And then we are shocked - shocked! - when nothing big only happens, when opportunities never present themselves, when new obstacles start piling up, or enemies finally pull themselves together."

Instead of waiting for ideal conditions to begin, focus on progress rather than perfection. Your future self will thank you for the risks you take today when you don't feel fully prepared.

5. Know what you want out of life, otherwise you will never get what you want.

They say no road will get you there if you don't know where you're going. You need to understand what you want out of life to start planning for it. So many people go through life aimlessly and without a plan, and they wonder why they never seem to have a chance.

Knowing what you want out of life is the ultimate cheat code. Once you know what you're looking for, you can make a plan to pursue it. The best part is that no matter what you want to accomplish, chances are someone has already done it, so you can learn from them by buying a book, taking a course, or paying for a coaching.

6. Never stop investing in yourself because it's the most important thing you can do.

Making yourself a priority isn't selfish; it's actually the most important thing you can do because you can't pour from an empty glass. Every i...

15 cheat codes for life: Jump 7 years ahead of people

When you played video games as a kid, you probably often searched for cheat codes to help you gain a competitive edge. Specific cheat codes would help you get to the next level of the game when you feel stuck.

As a result, this cheat code would unlock a new achievement and save you a lot of time. Did you know that there are cheat codes in life that could put you ahead of others?

We're going to look at 15 cheat codes that will put you years ahead of 95% of people.

Table of Contents

1. Be comfortable with being rejected. The sooner you stop fearing rejection, the sooner you can become unstoppable.

Every successful entrepreneur or person has had a long list of failures. As much as we love to glorify risk takers, we can't ignore how far they have failed on the path to success. One could even say that the road to success is paved with failures and shattered dreams.

The good news is that each rejection or failure brings you closer to a life-changing yes. They say that when one door closes, another opens. It may not seem like it right now, but these rejections will help you become more tenacious so you're ready to face whatever life throws your way.

2. Pay attention to how people treat service workers, as it reveals their true colors.

How someone treats those who can't do something for them accurately indicates character. You can learn a lot from how someone treats service people.

There's a quote that sums it up best, and we really can't argue with the greatest of all time:

"I don't trust anyone who is nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same if I was in that position. ― Muhammad Ali

3. Embrace adversity as it will help you grow more than being stuck in your comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is the worst place you can spend time if you want to grow your life. The comfort zone is where dreams go to die because nothing remarkable ever came from playing it safe.

How to deal with adversity?

Don't be afraid to suck on something new. Constantly challenge yourself. Try a new sport regardless of your age. Ask the opinion of people who are not afraid to hurt you. If it scares you, it means you have to do it. If your goals aren't daunting, then they aren't bold enough. 4. Take action first, then think about it as you go.

Many of us want to know everything before we act. Acting when you don't know all the answers is a real superpower. The stars will never align and the universe will never conspire to give you the perfect conditions to begin with. First you have to take action, then watch how everything conspires in your favor once you start building your own momentum.

This Ryan Holiday quote from "The Obstacle is The Way" best sums it up:

"We often assume that the world moves as we please. We delay when we should start. We run when we should run or, better yet, sprint. And then we are shocked - shocked! - when nothing big only happens, when opportunities never present themselves, when new obstacles start piling up, or enemies finally pull themselves together."

Instead of waiting for ideal conditions to begin, focus on progress rather than perfection. Your future self will thank you for the risks you take today when you don't feel fully prepared.

5. Know what you want out of life, otherwise you will never get what you want.

They say no road will get you there if you don't know where you're going. You need to understand what you want out of life to start planning for it. So many people go through life aimlessly and without a plan, and they wonder why they never seem to have a chance.

Knowing what you want out of life is the ultimate cheat code. Once you know what you're looking for, you can make a plan to pursue it. The best part is that no matter what you want to accomplish, chances are someone has already done it, so you can learn from them by buying a book, taking a course, or paying for a coaching.

6. Never stop investing in yourself because it's the most important thing you can do.

Making yourself a priority isn't selfish; it's actually the most important thing you can do because you can't pour from an empty glass. Every i...

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