3 things every business can (and should) do to integrate NFTs

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Like it or not, the era of NFTs has arrived. Despite their reputation as expensive jpegs, NFTs actually represent new infrastructure for the future of the Internet. They have the ability to provide market information without grossly intruding on our privacy; they can create communities and organizations; they can provide the data architecture needed to build the true vision of Web3.

Forward-looking companies are currently striving to incorporate NFTs into their technology stacks. We've seen NFT integrations by brands ranging from the NBA to Coachella. Some of these apps represent exciting advances for membership economies, while others lean toward co-opting technology without delivering on the promise of Web3. As someone working daily to create NFT solutions, I outline three things companies can do to authentically integrate NFT to lead their businesses into a more community-driven future.

It all starts with membership

The first step is to offer subscriptions and create a community. This can include issuing NFT membership tokens to loyal subscribers giving them access to your insider community. It could also issue an NFT to early supporters and enthusiasts, such as the first 100 people to buy a product when it first comes out.

These memberships allow your business to give the most interested and excited parts of your audience early access to products, news, content, special features, or anything else. Moreover, by identifying the inner circle of your users, you can gain important insights and feedback on what matters most to them.


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These types of insider memberships make it easy for your business to maintain and build user enthusiasm and your brand ambassador. You can even grant this inner circle of users access to an NFT-secured peer-to-peer community space where they can interact with other members, help generate product feedback, and help shape the future of the company. Using NFTs for memberships not only allows you to cement strong bonds with the community that is most invested in what your business creates, but also helps make your business a community-driven one.

> Grant NFT holders early or exclusive access

Once you have set up an NFT-based membership, a variety of possibilities present themselves. One grants early or exclusive access. For example, a brand like Nike could offer subscription-based NFTs that give members internal access to early sneaker launches. Members who purchase a particular shoe might even gain access to a meet or AMA with the designer.

And it doesn't even need to be limited to online events. NFTs are an incredibly flexible, platform-agnostic infrastructure that can enable seamless experiences for in-person community gatherings by serving tickets. The same NFT that allowed a member to join an exclusive AMA video call with a sneaker designer could also give them access to a personal...

3 things every business can (and should) do to integrate NFTs

Check out all the Smart Security Summit on-demand sessions here.

Like it or not, the era of NFTs has arrived. Despite their reputation as expensive jpegs, NFTs actually represent new infrastructure for the future of the Internet. They have the ability to provide market information without grossly intruding on our privacy; they can create communities and organizations; they can provide the data architecture needed to build the true vision of Web3.

Forward-looking companies are currently striving to incorporate NFTs into their technology stacks. We've seen NFT integrations by brands ranging from the NBA to Coachella. Some of these apps represent exciting advances for membership economies, while others lean toward co-opting technology without delivering on the promise of Web3. As someone working daily to create NFT solutions, I outline three things companies can do to authentically integrate NFT to lead their businesses into a more community-driven future.

It all starts with membership

The first step is to offer subscriptions and create a community. This can include issuing NFT membership tokens to loyal subscribers giving them access to your insider community. It could also issue an NFT to early supporters and enthusiasts, such as the first 100 people to buy a product when it first comes out.

These memberships allow your business to give the most interested and excited parts of your audience early access to products, news, content, special features, or anything else. Moreover, by identifying the inner circle of your users, you can gain important insights and feedback on what matters most to them.


On-Demand Smart Security Summit

Learn about the essential role of AI and ML in cybersecurity and industry-specific case studies. Watch the on-demand sessions today.

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These types of insider memberships make it easy for your business to maintain and build user enthusiasm and your brand ambassador. You can even grant this inner circle of users access to an NFT-secured peer-to-peer community space where they can interact with other members, help generate product feedback, and help shape the future of the company. Using NFTs for memberships not only allows you to cement strong bonds with the community that is most invested in what your business creates, but also helps make your business a community-driven one.

> Grant NFT holders early or exclusive access

Once you have set up an NFT-based membership, a variety of possibilities present themselves. One grants early or exclusive access. For example, a brand like Nike could offer subscription-based NFTs that give members internal access to early sneaker launches. Members who purchase a particular shoe might even gain access to a meet or AMA with the designer.

And it doesn't even need to be limited to online events. NFTs are an incredibly flexible, platform-agnostic infrastructure that can enable seamless experiences for in-person community gatherings by serving tickets. The same NFT that allowed a member to join an exclusive AMA video call with a sneaker designer could also give them access to a personal...

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