3 Ways Healthcare Professionals Can Integrate Holistic Wellness Coaching Into Their Practice

By Dr. Christine Manukyan, Founder and CEO of STORRIE Institute.

Health coaching is on the rise in the medical field. It's not just a stand-alone profession; you can incorporate it into your current practice. Here are three ways to do it.

Let your customer know they're in control.

Health and wellness coaching is a form of patient care that uses talking therapy, clinical strategies, and holistic remedies to find lasting solutions to chronic medical problems.

Many people who seek health and wellness coaching are going through situations such as weight loss, stress management, or the effects of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or a heart attack.< /p>

As a healthcare professional integrating holistic wellness coaching into your practice, ask your clients open-ended questions that allow them to identify their key pain points and desire for lifestyle change. Some of these questions could be:

• What are the long-term results you want to see in your health and wellness journey?

• Why are you deciding to make this change in your life?

• What would you like to be able to do at the end of this trip that you can't do right now?

These techniques can lead clients to identify the root cause of the problem and design a plan that suits their unique body and lifestyle.

Find your niche in holistic wellness coaching and become an expert in this field.

Each healthcare professional has an area of ​​expertise they can offer their clients, and there are so many niches in holistic wellness coaching that you can implement in your practice today . Practices such as nutrition, energy healing, herbalism, and lifestyle medicine are just a few of the many holistic wellness coaching techniques you can incorporate into your patient care to provide a form more natural healing.

I discovered holistic health and wellness when my GP told me I needed to lower my cholesterol and lose weight to avoid a heart attack before I turned 40.

My doctor then prescribed me a pill to lower my cholesterol, a pill that would help me while I took it, but once I stopped taking it, I would be back where I started.

Thus began my independent research into holistic health and wellness. I discovered sustainable solutions (intermittent fasting, cellular cleansing, adaptogens) unique to my body and my situation.

When I returned for my follow-up appointment, my doctor was shocked at how quickly I lost weight and lowered my cholesterol. She then began to study the same holistic wellness remedies that I had implemented in my personal life and suggested them to her other patients who were in the same boat as me.

These holistic wellness coaching techniques that I have implemented in my own personal health journey have become the same solutions that I suggest to my clients when assessing their situation.

Being both a coach and a client in my niche has allowed me to become an expert in this field.

Establishing this level of credibility by combining your education and experience allows you to develop a deeper level of trust and empathy with your customers.

Build your brand for your area of ​​practice.

In order to incorporate holistic wellness coaching into your practice, you must identify yourself as a healthcare professional who provides these types of services.

What health issues do your clients face? What is their lifestyle like? What social media platforms do they frequent?

Once you fully understand who you want to serve, meet them where they are. Part of holistic wellness coaching is attracting clients to you and expressing the value of your service.

Health and wellness coaching also saves the client money. This form of health care incorporates various practices such as clinical interventions, nutrition, and holistic remedies. Instead of a person having to consult several specialists to make this life transformation, they can trust a health and wellness coach to accompany them every step of the way...

3 Ways Healthcare Professionals Can Integrate Holistic Wellness Coaching Into Their Practice

By Dr. Christine Manukyan, Founder and CEO of STORRIE Institute.

Health coaching is on the rise in the medical field. It's not just a stand-alone profession; you can incorporate it into your current practice. Here are three ways to do it.

Let your customer know they're in control.

Health and wellness coaching is a form of patient care that uses talking therapy, clinical strategies, and holistic remedies to find lasting solutions to chronic medical problems.

Many people who seek health and wellness coaching are going through situations such as weight loss, stress management, or the effects of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or a heart attack.< /p>

As a healthcare professional integrating holistic wellness coaching into your practice, ask your clients open-ended questions that allow them to identify their key pain points and desire for lifestyle change. Some of these questions could be:

• What are the long-term results you want to see in your health and wellness journey?

• Why are you deciding to make this change in your life?

• What would you like to be able to do at the end of this trip that you can't do right now?

These techniques can lead clients to identify the root cause of the problem and design a plan that suits their unique body and lifestyle.

Find your niche in holistic wellness coaching and become an expert in this field.

Each healthcare professional has an area of ​​expertise they can offer their clients, and there are so many niches in holistic wellness coaching that you can implement in your practice today . Practices such as nutrition, energy healing, herbalism, and lifestyle medicine are just a few of the many holistic wellness coaching techniques you can incorporate into your patient care to provide a form more natural healing.

I discovered holistic health and wellness when my GP told me I needed to lower my cholesterol and lose weight to avoid a heart attack before I turned 40.

My doctor then prescribed me a pill to lower my cholesterol, a pill that would help me while I took it, but once I stopped taking it, I would be back where I started.

Thus began my independent research into holistic health and wellness. I discovered sustainable solutions (intermittent fasting, cellular cleansing, adaptogens) unique to my body and my situation.

When I returned for my follow-up appointment, my doctor was shocked at how quickly I lost weight and lowered my cholesterol. She then began to study the same holistic wellness remedies that I had implemented in my personal life and suggested them to her other patients who were in the same boat as me.

These holistic wellness coaching techniques that I have implemented in my own personal health journey have become the same solutions that I suggest to my clients when assessing their situation.

Being both a coach and a client in my niche has allowed me to become an expert in this field.

Establishing this level of credibility by combining your education and experience allows you to develop a deeper level of trust and empathy with your customers.

Build your brand for your area of ​​practice.

In order to incorporate holistic wellness coaching into your practice, you must identify yourself as a healthcare professional who provides these types of services.

What health issues do your clients face? What is their lifestyle like? What social media platforms do they frequent?

Once you fully understand who you want to serve, meet them where they are. Part of holistic wellness coaching is attracting clients to you and expressing the value of your service.

Health and wellness coaching also saves the client money. This form of health care incorporates various practices such as clinical interventions, nutrition, and holistic remedies. Instead of a person having to consult several specialists to make this life transformation, they can trust a health and wellness coach to accompany them every step of the way...

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