4 digital advertising predictions you need to keep an eye on

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Silicon Valley media leaders like , , and mainly use the sale of advertising space as an important source of revenue. According to their second quarter earnings reports, not only are these giants slowing down and losing ad sales, but their ad customers are in a state of strategic restructuring as the effects of the recession have begun to negatively impact their spending budgets. annuals and their return on investment. Over the past two months, we've seen this trend spread from large enterprises to organizations of all sizes, with July seeing the worst decline in ad spend in two years.

In an already oversaturated market, traditional digital advertising has become increasingly expensive as a means of customer conversion. With access to the same ocean of information, targeting has never been so effective at establishing a match. But, in a free market, competition is ultimately determined by who can spend the most. The more you spend, the more often you will see your product.

However, with the economic pressures now facing consumers and rising inflation expectations, shopping trends are changing at a pace that is difficult for e-commerce analytics to track. Advertiser revenue suffers. The evolving online consumer spending market is shifting from a growth economy to a more conservative one.

The digital advertising market is relatively young and still has room for growth as technology evolves. This is the first time that its market can undergo significant stress tests. It will tell how quickly ad agencies and marketing departments need to adapt. Here are some predictions of what we might see from the digital ad space over the next year.

Related: 6 Proven Business Marketing Strategies to Grow During a Recession

Video advertising will rule

Content-related video advertising has proven to be effective marketing, with viewers retaining 95% of messages compared to the same text message. With today's viewers spending more than 100 minutes a day watching digital video and 92.6% of internet users worldwide watching some form of digital video every week, the digital video market has never been stronger. .

Brands will invest heavily in influencer development

Music videos, comedy specials and social media commentary dominate digital video consumption. All three share the common theme that their content comes from influencers. is already standard and growing brands are investing in the development of an influencer. By signing exclusives with the influencer – or creating the influencer using the extensive influencer market research available – and promoting influencer visibility, brands can build entire embodied lifestyles by their influencers.

In these scenarios, advertisers partner with influencers to create content that harmlessly integrates their product into the video. It takes less work and time to encourage commerce by seeing oneself in a personality one admires than to prove the merits of a product. With a strategically crafted consumer audience that engages content, brands generate competitive sales funnels based on turning wants into needs.

Streaming services will become the most invested platforms

Over the past two years, the streaming market

4 digital advertising predictions you need to keep an eye on

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Silicon Valley media leaders like , , and mainly use the sale of advertising space as an important source of revenue. According to their second quarter earnings reports, not only are these giants slowing down and losing ad sales, but their ad customers are in a state of strategic restructuring as the effects of the recession have begun to negatively impact their spending budgets. annuals and their return on investment. Over the past two months, we've seen this trend spread from large enterprises to organizations of all sizes, with July seeing the worst decline in ad spend in two years.

In an already oversaturated market, traditional digital advertising has become increasingly expensive as a means of customer conversion. With access to the same ocean of information, targeting has never been so effective at establishing a match. But, in a free market, competition is ultimately determined by who can spend the most. The more you spend, the more often you will see your product.

However, with the economic pressures now facing consumers and rising inflation expectations, shopping trends are changing at a pace that is difficult for e-commerce analytics to track. Advertiser revenue suffers. The evolving online consumer spending market is shifting from a growth economy to a more conservative one.

The digital advertising market is relatively young and still has room for growth as technology evolves. This is the first time that its market can undergo significant stress tests. It will tell how quickly ad agencies and marketing departments need to adapt. Here are some predictions of what we might see from the digital ad space over the next year.

Related: 6 Proven Business Marketing Strategies to Grow During a Recession

Video advertising will rule

Content-related video advertising has proven to be effective marketing, with viewers retaining 95% of messages compared to the same text message. With today's viewers spending more than 100 minutes a day watching digital video and 92.6% of internet users worldwide watching some form of digital video every week, the digital video market has never been stronger. .

Brands will invest heavily in influencer development

Music videos, comedy specials and social media commentary dominate digital video consumption. All three share the common theme that their content comes from influencers. is already standard and growing brands are investing in the development of an influencer. By signing exclusives with the influencer – or creating the influencer using the extensive influencer market research available – and promoting influencer visibility, brands can build entire embodied lifestyles by their influencers.

In these scenarios, advertisers partner with influencers to create content that harmlessly integrates their product into the video. It takes less work and time to encourage commerce by seeing oneself in a personality one admires than to prove the merits of a product. With a strategically crafted consumer audience that engages content, brands generate competitive sales funnels based on turning wants into needs.

Streaming services will become the most invested platforms

Over the past two years, the streaming market

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