5 mantras to adopt that will immediately improve your life

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

We all face difficult difficulties in life. Every day people have disagreements at home, projects go wrong at work, and we experience setbacks with goals.

Over the years I have noticed that how quickly we bounce back from these trials and tribulations is directly correlated to the beliefs and values ​​we have about ourselves and about life, as well as how that we are talking about. Believing, saying and practicing the following five mantras is incredibly helpful in trying to recover from any challenge.

Related: 5 Successful Entrepreneur Mantras You Can Use to Improve Your Life and Habits

1. I can do it. It's going to work.

Every time we encounter a setback or failure, it's tempting to start doubting ourselves more. Our feelings can start to snowball and we can create a domino effect in our lives.

We'll start by focusing on that client we didn't sign or that deal that didn't go through and start concluding that "maybe I'm just not cut out for this job" or "maybe I should. I don't even do that at all." We can even fall into the syndrome of the impostor. Because of this negative thinking, we will often create a self-fulfilling prophecy and further cause the very thing we are trying to avoid. Our negative thinking will cause us to have more failures and we will feel justified, which will lead to the fall of the next domino.

The reverse also works. Instead of concluding that all is lost after failure, ask instead, "What can I learn from this?" How can I use this to improve myself? Don't think long about the one thing that went wrong. Instead, refocus your energy on the things that are good.

The more you believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities, the better you will recover from setbacks. When we think things are going to work out, they usually do, especially when we put consistent effort into our goals. Keep taking steps towards them no matter what.

Related: 15 Ways to Drown Out the Destructive Voices in Your Head

2. The past doesn't matter. I can let go.

When we feel hurt or hurt, we tend to hold on to it longer than we should. The past is written — it cannot be changed. If we reflect on the past to help us learn from our mistakes, that's one thing. Find the lessons, then move on with new ideas and wisdom.

However, we often don't look to the past for guidance. We look back and linger, so we get stuck. Dwelling on what is wrong with us or expressing what someone else should have said or done rarely serves us. Our brain can't focus on two disparate things at once, so whenever we ruminate on the past, we rarely focus on what we can control in the present and how excited we are for the future.


Instead, make a conscious decision to forgive others (and yourself) for mistakes. Sometimes people will say, "But it's so hard to get over it!" Sure, it can be hard to let something go, but I guarantee you have a choice. Choose to focus your conscious energy on the person you are trying to become in the future.

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5 mantras to adopt that will immediately improve your life

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

We all face difficult difficulties in life. Every day people have disagreements at home, projects go wrong at work, and we experience setbacks with goals.

Over the years I have noticed that how quickly we bounce back from these trials and tribulations is directly correlated to the beliefs and values ​​we have about ourselves and about life, as well as how that we are talking about. Believing, saying and practicing the following five mantras is incredibly helpful in trying to recover from any challenge.

Related: 5 Successful Entrepreneur Mantras You Can Use to Improve Your Life and Habits

1. I can do it. It's going to work.

Every time we encounter a setback or failure, it's tempting to start doubting ourselves more. Our feelings can start to snowball and we can create a domino effect in our lives.

We'll start by focusing on that client we didn't sign or that deal that didn't go through and start concluding that "maybe I'm just not cut out for this job" or "maybe I should. I don't even do that at all." We can even fall into the syndrome of the impostor. Because of this negative thinking, we will often create a self-fulfilling prophecy and further cause the very thing we are trying to avoid. Our negative thinking will cause us to have more failures and we will feel justified, which will lead to the fall of the next domino.

The reverse also works. Instead of concluding that all is lost after failure, ask instead, "What can I learn from this?" How can I use this to improve myself? Don't think long about the one thing that went wrong. Instead, refocus your energy on the things that are good.

The more you believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities, the better you will recover from setbacks. When we think things are going to work out, they usually do, especially when we put consistent effort into our goals. Keep taking steps towards them no matter what.

Related: 15 Ways to Drown Out the Destructive Voices in Your Head

2. The past doesn't matter. I can let go.

When we feel hurt or hurt, we tend to hold on to it longer than we should. The past is written — it cannot be changed. If we reflect on the past to help us learn from our mistakes, that's one thing. Find the lessons, then move on with new ideas and wisdom.

However, we often don't look to the past for guidance. We look back and linger, so we get stuck. Dwelling on what is wrong with us or expressing what someone else should have said or done rarely serves us. Our brain can't focus on two disparate things at once, so whenever we ruminate on the past, we rarely focus on what we can control in the present and how excited we are for the future.


Instead, make a conscious decision to forgive others (and yourself) for mistakes. Sometimes people will say, "But it's so hard to get over it!" Sure, it can be hard to let something go, but I guarantee you have a choice. Choose to focus your conscious energy on the person you are trying to become in the future.

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