5 tips for finding the right teammates to grow your business

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

The best CEOs, entrepreneurs, and team leaders I know have one thing in common: they've learned to recognize and hire the right teammates in almost any growth strategy. In fact, I've met incredibly successful business owners who have admitted that the only thing they do well is surround themselves with the right talent, and at least in some cases I don't think they have been humble!

We all have strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots, and one of the best things we can do in the beautiful world of business is to surround ourselves with teammates who complement our strengths, compensate for our weaknesses, and not only cover the blind spots, but help us recognize and address them.

"How do I approach this?" you might ask. "Who should I look for and how do I find them?"

To answer these questions, I sat down with bestselling author, world-renowned speaker, and business coach John C. Maxwell (full disclosure: he's also a good friend) to get his advice on finding good teammates.

1. Know yourself

How can we find our counterparts, Maxwell observed early in our conversation, if we don't recognize the missing pieces within ourselves? So start by being brutally honest with your business. Honestly, that doesn't mean being self-deprecating or harsh, but you want to take an open and objective look at what you're good at, what you could improve at, and the kinds of things that just aren't in your wheelhouse. .

I find it helpful to make a list of these strengths, weaknesses, and missing qualities, then ask a few people you trust (ideally those who have also worked with you before) if the results seem accurate. Sometimes this deep dive can be difficult, but understanding where you stand is key, as it dictates the types of teammates you need to help you maximize.

Related: Are You a Real CEO? Here is a self-assessment form

2. Find believers

Of course, there are people who are very enthusiastic about calling out early-stage skeptics as sources of success, but the truth is that people usually find true success in the presence of other people who believe in them. Yes, we can let the skeptics feed us in the beginning, but business and are not islands, and shouldn't be.

“The truth is that very few people succeed unless a lot of other people want to,” says Maxwell. "So find teammates who believe in you… who believe in your company and your cause. They provide and sustain the positivity and hope you need in the difficult situations you are sure to face." 3. Add the winners

High achievers are, unsurprisingly, marked by their accomplishments, so look for teammates who have left great things in their wake. Most can be marked by their ambition, self-focused mindset, and goals.

Maxwell went a little deeper into this idea:

"Look for people who measure their success not by completed to-do lists or 9-to-5 office sessions, but by the quantity and quality of wins," he said . "We need people who are more focused on achieving end goals and milestones. Even better: these people push other high achievers to do even more."

Related: How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

4. Collect Designers

Innovative ideas are critical to the success of organizations, and there's nothing quite like facing a problem, brainstorming a solution, then suddenly realizing "I've got an idea for this!" teammates with dexterous problem solving skills and idea generation abilities is simply invaluable. These individuals tend to think divergently, laterally, or convergently, and while some may view them as unconventional, we consider them an essential part of the team.

"If we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we always got," Maxwell said. "Good ideas guarantee future success. They solve problems. They make good things better, generate excitement and create new life out of nothing."

5. Round up the relievers

Often the most valuable people on your team are the ones who lighten the load on others. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty and find value in being part of some kind of "firefighter". These comfort/safety providers not only take the strain off your shoulders, but do a lot to brighten up a...

5 tips for finding the right teammates to grow your business

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

The best CEOs, entrepreneurs, and team leaders I know have one thing in common: they've learned to recognize and hire the right teammates in almost any growth strategy. In fact, I've met incredibly successful business owners who have admitted that the only thing they do well is surround themselves with the right talent, and at least in some cases I don't think they have been humble!

We all have strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots, and one of the best things we can do in the beautiful world of business is to surround ourselves with teammates who complement our strengths, compensate for our weaknesses, and not only cover the blind spots, but help us recognize and address them.

"How do I approach this?" you might ask. "Who should I look for and how do I find them?"

To answer these questions, I sat down with bestselling author, world-renowned speaker, and business coach John C. Maxwell (full disclosure: he's also a good friend) to get his advice on finding good teammates.

1. Know yourself

How can we find our counterparts, Maxwell observed early in our conversation, if we don't recognize the missing pieces within ourselves? So start by being brutally honest with your business. Honestly, that doesn't mean being self-deprecating or harsh, but you want to take an open and objective look at what you're good at, what you could improve at, and the kinds of things that just aren't in your wheelhouse. .

I find it helpful to make a list of these strengths, weaknesses, and missing qualities, then ask a few people you trust (ideally those who have also worked with you before) if the results seem accurate. Sometimes this deep dive can be difficult, but understanding where you stand is key, as it dictates the types of teammates you need to help you maximize.

Related: Are You a Real CEO? Here is a self-assessment form

2. Find believers

Of course, there are people who are very enthusiastic about calling out early-stage skeptics as sources of success, but the truth is that people usually find true success in the presence of other people who believe in them. Yes, we can let the skeptics feed us in the beginning, but business and are not islands, and shouldn't be.

“The truth is that very few people succeed unless a lot of other people want to,” says Maxwell. "So find teammates who believe in you… who believe in your company and your cause. They provide and sustain the positivity and hope you need in the difficult situations you are sure to face." 3. Add the winners

High achievers are, unsurprisingly, marked by their accomplishments, so look for teammates who have left great things in their wake. Most can be marked by their ambition, self-focused mindset, and goals.

Maxwell went a little deeper into this idea:

"Look for people who measure their success not by completed to-do lists or 9-to-5 office sessions, but by the quantity and quality of wins," he said . "We need people who are more focused on achieving end goals and milestones. Even better: these people push other high achievers to do even more."

Related: How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

4. Collect Designers

Innovative ideas are critical to the success of organizations, and there's nothing quite like facing a problem, brainstorming a solution, then suddenly realizing "I've got an idea for this!" teammates with dexterous problem solving skills and idea generation abilities is simply invaluable. These individuals tend to think divergently, laterally, or convergently, and while some may view them as unconventional, we consider them an essential part of the team.

"If we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we always got," Maxwell said. "Good ideas guarantee future success. They solve problems. They make good things better, generate excitement and create new life out of nothing."

5. Round up the relievers

Often the most valuable people on your team are the ones who lighten the load on others. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty and find value in being part of some kind of "firefighter". These comfort/safety providers not only take the strain off your shoulders, but do a lot to brighten up a...

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