5 Ways to Secure DevOps

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Devops teams are sacrificing attention to guardrail reviews to meet tight time-to-market amid growing pressure to deliver digital-focused digital transformation and revenue projects earlier than intended.

Compensation plans for CIOs, development managers and their teams prioritize time-to-market performance, increasing the intensity needed to beat deadlines. Over the past 18 months, 90% of IT leaders have also seen an acceleration of digital transformation initiatives as companies strive to stay in step with their customers' preferences for purchasing, receiving services and of repeat purchases on a digital-first basis.

A typical DevOps team in a $500M enterprise has over 200 concurrent projects underway, with over 70% dedicated to protecting and improving the digital customer experience. Devops teams seek to save every possible second on every project because a significant percentage of their total compensation is at stake.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) asserts that the more software-intensive a company is, the faster and more efficient delivery of new offerings must be to create competitive advantages, making it a critical capability for long-term survival. Devops teams able to deliver Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) ahead of schedule often set the pace for an entire project.


MetaBeat 2022

MetaBeat will bring together thought leaders to advise on how metaverse technology will transform the way all industries communicate and do business on October 4 in San Francisco, CA.

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VentureBeat asked Janet Worthington, senior analyst at Forrester, if CISOs and CIOs are getting more involved in securing devops. She said that "yes, CISOs and CIOs increasingly realize that to move fast and achieve business goals, teams need to embrace a secure devops culture. Developing an automated development pipeline allows teams deploy frequently and with confidence because security testing is built in from the earliest stages As a result, a security issue escapes production, having a repeatable pipeline allows offending code to be rolled back without impacting other operations and quickly correct the problem."

Why safety is traded for speed

With compensation, competitive advantages, and the reputations of enterprise IT and development teams at stake, it's understandable that security is pushed back into the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In companies that don't put security at the heart of the SDLC process, it's common to find security, test, and validation systems isolated from core development workflows.

Often pushed to the final stages of a project, they are rushed. This is one of the main reasons why companies that have experienced a breach in the last 12 months claim that the two main methods used by malicious actors were exploiting vulnerable software and direct attacks on web applications. Security testing applications isolated from devops platforms

An example is how devops teams use

5 Ways to Secure DevOps

Couldn't attend Transform 2022? Check out all the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Look here.

Devops teams are sacrificing attention to guardrail reviews to meet tight time-to-market amid growing pressure to deliver digital-focused digital transformation and revenue projects earlier than intended.

Compensation plans for CIOs, development managers and their teams prioritize time-to-market performance, increasing the intensity needed to beat deadlines. Over the past 18 months, 90% of IT leaders have also seen an acceleration of digital transformation initiatives as companies strive to stay in step with their customers' preferences for purchasing, receiving services and of repeat purchases on a digital-first basis.

A typical DevOps team in a $500M enterprise has over 200 concurrent projects underway, with over 70% dedicated to protecting and improving the digital customer experience. Devops teams seek to save every possible second on every project because a significant percentage of their total compensation is at stake.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) asserts that the more software-intensive a company is, the faster and more efficient delivery of new offerings must be to create competitive advantages, making it a critical capability for long-term survival. Devops teams able to deliver Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) ahead of schedule often set the pace for an entire project.


MetaBeat 2022

MetaBeat will bring together thought leaders to advise on how metaverse technology will transform the way all industries communicate and do business on October 4 in San Francisco, CA.

register here

VentureBeat asked Janet Worthington, senior analyst at Forrester, if CISOs and CIOs are getting more involved in securing devops. She said that "yes, CISOs and CIOs increasingly realize that to move fast and achieve business goals, teams need to embrace a secure devops culture. Developing an automated development pipeline allows teams deploy frequently and with confidence because security testing is built in from the earliest stages As a result, a security issue escapes production, having a repeatable pipeline allows offending code to be rolled back without impacting other operations and quickly correct the problem."

Why safety is traded for speed

With compensation, competitive advantages, and the reputations of enterprise IT and development teams at stake, it's understandable that security is pushed back into the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In companies that don't put security at the heart of the SDLC process, it's common to find security, test, and validation systems isolated from core development workflows.

Often pushed to the final stages of a project, they are rushed. This is one of the main reasons why companies that have experienced a breach in the last 12 months claim that the two main methods used by malicious actors were exploiting vulnerable software and direct attacks on web applications. Security testing applications isolated from devops platforms

An example is how devops teams use

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