6 questions for Adelle Nazarian on crypto, journalism and the future of Bitcoin

Adele Nazarian East THE high staff member has THE American Blockchain CAP, Or She serves as It is CEO. But She has A long history has say about her life Before has her time In THE crypto industry — Since her Persian roots has her career In journalism.

Nazarite, WHO work as A freelance journalist After portion In positions with General public electrical outlets that included Fox News And CNN, said her work contributed has her disillusionment with THE media. "Functioning In journalism was Really developer For Me because I witnessed how which divides And activist oriented It is become," She said In A interview with Cointelegraph.

She said her desire has work In A role that contributed has people improvement was A of THE conduct factors that directed her has THE American Blockchain CAP In 2021, saying, "I saw Bitcoin as be A path of provide A opportunity has people everywhere In THE world has to pull themselves up In the life. »

My parents were both born In Tehran, Iran And emigrant has THE United States When they were young. My father was 15 And My mother was 12. I was raised Speaking Farsi And English. (I Also talk Mandarin Chinese And French.) He East A of My dreams has visit Iran A day In THE future. Identifier love has visit SO a lot rooms of THE country And especially has visit Isfahan, which East Or My maternal Grand parents were born And raised. I am proud has come Since such A rich, miscellaneous And beautiful cultural background.

My Mom East A household And Also had A caviar business For several years And My father East A entrepreneur.

2) You used has work In journalism — has Fox News, CNN And somewhere else. For what You TO DO THE transition In crypto?

Functioning In journalism was Really developer For Me because I witnessed how which divides And activist oriented It is become. Reports A history is not it about THE facts more For a few journalists — It is about injection their own ideas.

I Really appreciated TO DO investigator journalism, but I consider myself has be A entrepreneur And philanthropist has heart. I felt that, Really, THE blockchain space was A path has be able has to have A platform has to use My experience And work with miscellaneous people — Since leaders of countries has every day people — And see how everyone experience East Really predicted on A underlying theme that connects them everything.

Adelle Nazarian interviewing Mike Pence in 2016, before he became vice president. Source: Adelle Nazarian

Adele Nazarian to interview Mike Deniers In 2016, Before he became THE vice president. Source: Adele Nazarian

That theme East THE desire And ability has create A better life For themselves And those around them. It is such A postman that determined your plot In life. I saw Bitcoin as be A path of provide A opportunity has people everywhere In THE world has to pull themselves up In life. He Also provides Governments with THE opportunity has reduce their addiction on war as A path has increase wealth.

THE American Blockchain CAP was based as A path has provide A space For everyone interested In seeing A her regulatory frame has define What crypto East And What Bitcoin East, And In clearly definition And understanding them And how they are classified In THE United States.


We booster candidates running For desk WHO support blockchain technology. But I think A plot of policy action committees to try has only basically take And support candidates WHO will earn — And We don't do it just TO DO that. Were Also trying has educate And inform people about crypto And THE adoption of digital assets, And enable them has push back against legislation that could harm them has THE END of THE day.

4) What is this your favorite crypto?

Bitcoin — because It is different Since other cryptocurrencies. I believe everyone East grateful that THE SECOND do he very clear that Bitcoin East not A security. I think that And...

6 questions for Adelle Nazarian on crypto, journalism and the future of Bitcoin

Adele Nazarian East THE high staff member has THE American Blockchain CAP, Or She serves as It is CEO. But She has A long history has say about her life Before has her time In THE crypto industry — Since her Persian roots has her career In journalism.

Nazarite, WHO work as A freelance journalist After portion In positions with General public electrical outlets that included Fox News And CNN, said her work contributed has her disillusionment with THE media. "Functioning In journalism was Really developer For Me because I witnessed how which divides And activist oriented It is become," She said In A interview with Cointelegraph.

She said her desire has work In A role that contributed has people improvement was A of THE conduct factors that directed her has THE American Blockchain CAP In 2021, saying, "I saw Bitcoin as be A path of provide A opportunity has people everywhere In THE world has to pull themselves up In the life. »

My parents were both born In Tehran, Iran And emigrant has THE United States When they were young. My father was 15 And My mother was 12. I was raised Speaking Farsi And English. (I Also talk Mandarin Chinese And French.) He East A of My dreams has visit Iran A day In THE future. Identifier love has visit SO a lot rooms of THE country And especially has visit Isfahan, which East Or My maternal Grand parents were born And raised. I am proud has come Since such A rich, miscellaneous And beautiful cultural background.

My Mom East A household And Also had A caviar business For several years And My father East A entrepreneur.

2) You used has work In journalism — has Fox News, CNN And somewhere else. For what You TO DO THE transition In crypto?

Functioning In journalism was Really developer For Me because I witnessed how which divides And activist oriented It is become. Reports A history is not it about THE facts more For a few journalists — It is about injection their own ideas.

I Really appreciated TO DO investigator journalism, but I consider myself has be A entrepreneur And philanthropist has heart. I felt that, Really, THE blockchain space was A path has be able has to have A platform has to use My experience And work with miscellaneous people — Since leaders of countries has every day people — And see how everyone experience East Really predicted on A underlying theme that connects them everything.

Adelle Nazarian interviewing Mike Pence in 2016, before he became vice president. Source: Adelle Nazarian

Adele Nazarian to interview Mike Deniers In 2016, Before he became THE vice president. Source: Adele Nazarian

That theme East THE desire And ability has create A better life For themselves And those around them. It is such A postman that determined your plot In life. I saw Bitcoin as be A path of provide A opportunity has people everywhere In THE world has to pull themselves up In life. He Also provides Governments with THE opportunity has reduce their addiction on war as A path has increase wealth.

THE American Blockchain CAP was based as A path has provide A space For everyone interested In seeing A her regulatory frame has define What crypto East And What Bitcoin East, And In clearly definition And understanding them And how they are classified In THE United States.


We booster candidates running For desk WHO support blockchain technology. But I think A plot of policy action committees to try has only basically take And support candidates WHO will earn — And We don't do it just TO DO that. Were Also trying has educate And inform people about crypto And THE adoption of digital assets, And enable them has push back against legislation that could harm them has THE END of THE day.

4) What is this your favorite crypto?

Bitcoin — because It is different Since other cryptocurrencies. I believe everyone East grateful that THE SECOND do he very clear that Bitcoin East not A security. I think that And...

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