6 ways to keep your staff happy and supported

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

You're in your car, stuck in traffic and your child is crying, or maybe you're at an important meeting and you remember that your daughter hasn't finished her homework. These everyday scenarios can often lead to stress, including the fear of giving up the things most important to those you love.

Dealing with staff burnout makes sense and builds a more forward-thinking employer brand. Here are ways to put people first anytime, anywhere.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated in the Age of Burnout

Champion of work-life balance

It's essential that everyone on your team is sure they have free time, time with family, or time to do whatever they need outside of the office. You need to encourage them and make it clear that this time is valuable to them as people.

When your team knows they can rely on a bit of time off when needed, it helps them relax and stay focused while at work.

Make emergency funds available

When people have a crisis, they can't always wait to get back to the office for help. Make sure there is a designated fund that your employees can access to pay for medical expenses and car repairs.

If an employee has to take time off because they've had an accident or a family member is hospitalized, they shouldn't have to worry about how they'll pay their bills while they're away. absence. Make sure you have an emergency fund so your employees don't have to worry about what will happen if something goes wrong. They can just focus on improving themselves!

Offer flexible hours

This may take the form of different working hours, or it may mean offering them the option to work from home if they need to.

If someone needs to be at work at 8:00 a.m., have a doctor's appointment, or meet their kids at school, it's important that they can easily adjust their schedule.

It also helps with work-life balance, which is an important part of keeping your staff happy and healthy.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated in the Age of Burnout

Consider offering meals at the office

By providing your employees with healthy options, you make it easier for them to choose what is best for their body. You also demonstrate that you care about their well-being, making them feel respected and valued.

By providing healthy options, you also help your team avoid unnecessary trips to the vending machine or fast food during their work day. It can save them time and money while making them feel like they have more control over their lives.

Reward creativity

is essential to the success of a business and it has been proven time and time again. So how do we encourage it in our employees? It starts with recognizing that not everyone works the same way. Some people are more creative than others, so if your employees aren't smart enough, don't blame them. Instead, look at your office environment as a whole and ask yourself what could be changed to make it more conducive to different ways of thinking.

have fun with it

If you want to keep your employees happy and engaged, you need to make sure they're having a good time in the office. You don't have to be extravagant about it: just find a way for them to take a break from their usual routine and do something unrelated to work.

You might start a Friday movie night where everyone can bring their favorite DVDs, or you might go to a company picnic once a month to get away from their desk and enjoy the fresh air. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something small that will remind them why they love working at your company in the first place.

You can foster a positive work environment by giving employees time to connect, allowing them to be in control of their schedules, and prioritizing well-being.

It's about flexibility and giving staff the ability to set their own schedules. Staff members can then arrive early and leave late if needed (or vice versa), take a break in the middle of the day to go out, meditate or have a cup of tea. This freedom benefits both employees and employers, but only if properly facilitated.


6 ways to keep your staff happy and supported

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

You're in your car, stuck in traffic and your child is crying, or maybe you're at an important meeting and you remember that your daughter hasn't finished her homework. These everyday scenarios can often lead to stress, including the fear of giving up the things most important to those you love.

Dealing with staff burnout makes sense and builds a more forward-thinking employer brand. Here are ways to put people first anytime, anywhere.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated in the Age of Burnout

Champion of work-life balance

It's essential that everyone on your team is sure they have free time, time with family, or time to do whatever they need outside of the office. You need to encourage them and make it clear that this time is valuable to them as people.

When your team knows they can rely on a bit of time off when needed, it helps them relax and stay focused while at work.

Make emergency funds available

When people have a crisis, they can't always wait to get back to the office for help. Make sure there is a designated fund that your employees can access to pay for medical expenses and car repairs.

If an employee has to take time off because they've had an accident or a family member is hospitalized, they shouldn't have to worry about how they'll pay their bills while they're away. absence. Make sure you have an emergency fund so your employees don't have to worry about what will happen if something goes wrong. They can just focus on improving themselves!

Offer flexible hours

This may take the form of different working hours, or it may mean offering them the option to work from home if they need to.

If someone needs to be at work at 8:00 a.m., have a doctor's appointment, or meet their kids at school, it's important that they can easily adjust their schedule.

It also helps with work-life balance, which is an important part of keeping your staff happy and healthy.

Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated in the Age of Burnout

Consider offering meals at the office

By providing your employees with healthy options, you make it easier for them to choose what is best for their body. You also demonstrate that you care about their well-being, making them feel respected and valued.

By providing healthy options, you also help your team avoid unnecessary trips to the vending machine or fast food during their work day. It can save them time and money while making them feel like they have more control over their lives.

Reward creativity

is essential to the success of a business and it has been proven time and time again. So how do we encourage it in our employees? It starts with recognizing that not everyone works the same way. Some people are more creative than others, so if your employees aren't smart enough, don't blame them. Instead, look at your office environment as a whole and ask yourself what could be changed to make it more conducive to different ways of thinking.

have fun with it

If you want to keep your employees happy and engaged, you need to make sure they're having a good time in the office. You don't have to be extravagant about it: just find a way for them to take a break from their usual routine and do something unrelated to work.

You might start a Friday movie night where everyone can bring their favorite DVDs, or you might go to a company picnic once a month to get away from their desk and enjoy the fresh air. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something small that will remind them why they love working at your company in the first place.

You can foster a positive work environment by giving employees time to connect, allowing them to be in control of their schedules, and prioritizing well-being.

It's about flexibility and giving staff the ability to set their own schedules. Staff members can then arrive early and leave late if needed (or vice versa), take a break in the middle of the day to go out, meditate or have a cup of tea. This freedom benefits both employees and employers, but only if properly facilitated.


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