7 ChatGPT prompts to get more out of your work

We spend a lot of our time working, and having a job you don't like is just not an option. Life is too short and there are many ways to get out of a bad situation, even if it has been going on for a while. Whether or not you're considering leaving, you can improve your working days right now with the help of ChatGPT.

Use these prompts to get more out of your work. Open your favorite large language model (LLM), paste it and customize the text. See what comes out of it, invite it to hone, and take the answer to your team or manager for workplace well-being and happiness on a whole new level.

How to Make ChatGPT Happier at Work Negotiate a raise

You know you're worth more, but your boss isn't. Either you haven't done enough to prove your worth, or you haven't communicated what you want. For you to continue working in your role, something has to change. If you're unsure of your approach or unsure how to structure the request, use this prompt to spark some ideas.

Edit the square brackets and paste into ChatGPT: "Help me craft a persuasive argument to negotiate a raise with my employer. Provide me with key points to highlight my value and contributions to the company. Here is some additional information about my role: [include more details about when you joined, what you do, your current salary, why you exceed expectations, how you create value for your employer]."

Get noticed for your work

Feeling that your hard work is going unnoticed is not a pleasant feeling. When public praise seems to elude you and no one notices everything you do, you can turn to ChatGPT to restore the balance. Explain your situation and ask for answers. It will suggest strategies that you could try to put back in the forefront of the minds of your colleagues, to the benefit of your career.

Try this prompt for size: "I want to get noticed at work and increase my job satisfaction. Can you provide me with some practical strategies and tips on how to stand out among my colleagues, showcase my skills, and have a positive impact on the organization? Here's an example: [describe something you achieved that you weren't recognized enough for]."

Work remotely

Perhaps you managed to work from home in 2020-21, but were brought back to the office against your will. Now you have a strenuous commute, regular interruptions, and can't wear your comfy leggings. You know you could do your job better away from the office, but your boss isn't convinced. Laying out the argument might make them understand, and here's how you use ChatGPT to achieve that.

Explain your situation for an answer you can present: "I want to get more out of my job by working remotely. Can you help me create a compelling proposal to present to my manager, outlining the benefits of working remotely and how it can positively impact my productivity and job satisfaction? Here are more details to include: answer]."

Work a flexible schedule

Maybe everyone you work with is an early riser, but you're a night owl. You yawn in those early morning huddles, but get a whiff of inspiration when the clock strikes 7 p.m. Or maybe you want to work out in the middle of the day, take an afternoon nap, or get up well before sunrise. Either way, the work pattern for you probably isn't 9-5. Here's how to start a conversation with your employer about mixing it all up.

Use ChatGPT to generate a great email with this prompt: "I'm looking for a more flexible schedule to improve my work-life balance. Can you help me draft an email to my line manager, explaining the benefits of a flexible schedule and how it can contribute to my job enjoyment and performance? Currently, I [explain your current schedules and restrictions] but would like to [explain the desired outcome and why it's optimal for the company]."

Make friends at work

It's not always easy to make friends at work. Maybe cliques were already formed when you joined. Maybe you missed...

7 ChatGPT prompts to get more out of your work

We spend a lot of our time working, and having a job you don't like is just not an option. Life is too short and there are many ways to get out of a bad situation, even if it has been going on for a while. Whether or not you're considering leaving, you can improve your working days right now with the help of ChatGPT.

Use these prompts to get more out of your work. Open your favorite large language model (LLM), paste it and customize the text. See what comes out of it, invite it to hone, and take the answer to your team or manager for workplace well-being and happiness on a whole new level.

How to Make ChatGPT Happier at Work Negotiate a raise

You know you're worth more, but your boss isn't. Either you haven't done enough to prove your worth, or you haven't communicated what you want. For you to continue working in your role, something has to change. If you're unsure of your approach or unsure how to structure the request, use this prompt to spark some ideas.

Edit the square brackets and paste into ChatGPT: "Help me craft a persuasive argument to negotiate a raise with my employer. Provide me with key points to highlight my value and contributions to the company. Here is some additional information about my role: [include more details about when you joined, what you do, your current salary, why you exceed expectations, how you create value for your employer]."

Get noticed for your work

Feeling that your hard work is going unnoticed is not a pleasant feeling. When public praise seems to elude you and no one notices everything you do, you can turn to ChatGPT to restore the balance. Explain your situation and ask for answers. It will suggest strategies that you could try to put back in the forefront of the minds of your colleagues, to the benefit of your career.

Try this prompt for size: "I want to get noticed at work and increase my job satisfaction. Can you provide me with some practical strategies and tips on how to stand out among my colleagues, showcase my skills, and have a positive impact on the organization? Here's an example: [describe something you achieved that you weren't recognized enough for]."

Work remotely

Perhaps you managed to work from home in 2020-21, but were brought back to the office against your will. Now you have a strenuous commute, regular interruptions, and can't wear your comfy leggings. You know you could do your job better away from the office, but your boss isn't convinced. Laying out the argument might make them understand, and here's how you use ChatGPT to achieve that.

Explain your situation for an answer you can present: "I want to get more out of my job by working remotely. Can you help me create a compelling proposal to present to my manager, outlining the benefits of working remotely and how it can positively impact my productivity and job satisfaction? Here are more details to include: answer]."

Work a flexible schedule

Maybe everyone you work with is an early riser, but you're a night owl. You yawn in those early morning huddles, but get a whiff of inspiration when the clock strikes 7 p.m. Or maybe you want to work out in the middle of the day, take an afternoon nap, or get up well before sunrise. Either way, the work pattern for you probably isn't 9-5. Here's how to start a conversation with your employer about mixing it all up.

Use ChatGPT to generate a great email with this prompt: "I'm looking for a more flexible schedule to improve my work-life balance. Can you help me draft an email to my line manager, explaining the benefits of a flexible schedule and how it can contribute to my job enjoyment and performance? Currently, I [explain your current schedules and restrictions] but would like to [explain the desired outcome and why it's optimal for the company]."

Make friends at work

It's not always easy to make friends at work. Maybe cliques were already formed when you joined. Maybe you missed...

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