7 of the best videos to start (or perfect) your deadlift

Image for article titled 7 of the Best Videos to Start (or Perfect) Your Deadlift Photo: SOK Studio (Shutterstock)

The deadlift is one of the easiest things you can do in the gym: just grab a barbell and stand up . But it's also one of the most intimidating. If you've been told all your life to "lift with your legs, not your back," you might be worried that you'll accidentally lift with your back and something terrible will happen. (This is, for the most part, an unfounded fear.)

So we've put together a collection of videos that will demystify the deadlift for you. And if you already deadlift, we have a bunch to help you choose the best technique for your body.

[embedded content] A basic introduction to the deadlift

In this video...

7 of the best videos to start (or perfect) your deadlift
Image for article titled 7 of the Best Videos to Start (or Perfect) Your Deadlift Photo: SOK Studio (Shutterstock)

The deadlift is one of the easiest things you can do in the gym: just grab a barbell and stand up . But it's also one of the most intimidating. If you've been told all your life to "lift with your legs, not your back," you might be worried that you'll accidentally lift with your back and something terrible will happen. (This is, for the most part, an unfounded fear.)

So we've put together a collection of videos that will demystify the deadlift for you. And if you already deadlift, we have a bunch to help you choose the best technique for your body.

[embedded content] A basic introduction to the deadlift

In this video...

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