7 TED talks to change how we look at ourselves

For many of us, the past two years have made us ask important questions about our lives. Are we in the right jobs or careers? Are we living to our highest potential? Are we spending our time and our lives in the right way?

I recently dove into TED and TEDx talks that address these questions. If you are looking for a reset in your own life or just a spark for self-reflection, these discussions will provide it. Whether you're trying to take control of your time, find your passion, or make a more meaningful difference to others, here are seven of my favorites.

Watch them for yourself, and I hope that, like me, you come away inspired, motivated to see the world in new ways, and ready to take positive action.

1. Dorie Clark: The real reason you're feeling so busy (and what to do about it)

Almost all of us feel too busy these days, and we think we know the reason: too many meetings, emails, etc.

However, Dorie Clark, a Duke University professor and author of best-selling book The Long Game, shares research that suggests there may be other factors that keep us trapped in our endless loop of activity. . Clark believes that we can only break free once we understand these often hidden factors. It provides powerful discourse that helps us clarify what matters.

2. David Burkus: Why You Should Know How Much Your Colleagues Are Paid

Talking about money is one of the last workplace taboos in Western society. However, David Burkus, author of Under New Management, argues that we need to break down these barriers and discuss workplace pay.

This step makes the workplace more transparent and egalitarian and allows us to spend less time worrying about others and more time focusing on self-improvement. This discourse has even more resonance after the pandemic, in the face of "The Great Resignation" and so many job rotations.

3. Terri Trespicio:

7 TED talks to change how we look at ourselves

For many of us, the past two years have made us ask important questions about our lives. Are we in the right jobs or careers? Are we living to our highest potential? Are we spending our time and our lives in the right way?

I recently dove into TED and TEDx talks that address these questions. If you are looking for a reset in your own life or just a spark for self-reflection, these discussions will provide it. Whether you're trying to take control of your time, find your passion, or make a more meaningful difference to others, here are seven of my favorites.

Watch them for yourself, and I hope that, like me, you come away inspired, motivated to see the world in new ways, and ready to take positive action.

1. Dorie Clark: The real reason you're feeling so busy (and what to do about it)

Almost all of us feel too busy these days, and we think we know the reason: too many meetings, emails, etc.

However, Dorie Clark, a Duke University professor and author of best-selling book The Long Game, shares research that suggests there may be other factors that keep us trapped in our endless loop of activity. . Clark believes that we can only break free once we understand these often hidden factors. It provides powerful discourse that helps us clarify what matters.

2. David Burkus: Why You Should Know How Much Your Colleagues Are Paid

Talking about money is one of the last workplace taboos in Western society. However, David Burkus, author of Under New Management, argues that we need to break down these barriers and discuss workplace pay.

This step makes the workplace more transparent and egalitarian and allows us to spend less time worrying about others and more time focusing on self-improvement. This discourse has even more resonance after the pandemic, in the face of "The Great Resignation" and so many job rotations.

3. Terri Trespicio:

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