Activision Blizzard accused of spying on protesting workers

Activision Blizzard continues to receive complaints about alleged labor violations. The Communications Workers of America (CWA) union has filed an unfair labor practice lawsuit accusing the game developer of unlawfully surveilling workers during a July walkout protest against gender inequality. The company also denied access to a working conditions discussion channel and cut off internal channels to discuss the work, the CWA said.

In statements to Engadget, Activision Blizzard generally dismissed the claims. He said the cat accusations were false and the CWA's long-standing characterization "willfully ignores the facts" while preventing the company from protecting workers from abuse. The company also argued that its only monitors for the walkouts were public relations staff who stood at a "respectful distance" to answer questions from the press.

The company has previously said it is cooperating with investigations into its workplace practices and argued that employees can speak freely about their situation in the workplace. However, the CWA argued that the Call of Duty publisher has made "continuing efforts" to stifle labor organizers, such as refusing to recognize a QA union and hiring anti-union law firm Reed Smith. .

The charge is the latest in a string of work-related charges beyond the sexual harassment scandal that sparked much of the current uproar. The CWA filed a lawsuit in June claiming Activision Blizzard violated labor laws by firing quality assurance contractors. In May, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) determined that allegations that the company was threatening union organizers were true. Numerous reports have also circulated claims that the gaming giant has been spreading anti-union messages.

The new lawsuit doesn't necessarily change Activision Blizzard's predicament. The company faces penalties and mandatory policy changes if it is found to be in violation of labor laws. However, the prosecution adds additional pressure and could shape a potential punishment.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Activision Blizzard accused of spying on protesting workers

Activision Blizzard continues to receive complaints about alleged labor violations. The Communications Workers of America (CWA) union has filed an unfair labor practice lawsuit accusing the game developer of unlawfully surveilling workers during a July walkout protest against gender inequality. The company also denied access to a working conditions discussion channel and cut off internal channels to discuss the work, the CWA said.

In statements to Engadget, Activision Blizzard generally dismissed the claims. He said the cat accusations were false and the CWA's long-standing characterization "willfully ignores the facts" while preventing the company from protecting workers from abuse. The company also argued that its only monitors for the walkouts were public relations staff who stood at a "respectful distance" to answer questions from the press.

The company has previously said it is cooperating with investigations into its workplace practices and argued that employees can speak freely about their situation in the workplace. However, the CWA argued that the Call of Duty publisher has made "continuing efforts" to stifle labor organizers, such as refusing to recognize a QA union and hiring anti-union law firm Reed Smith. .

The charge is the latest in a string of work-related charges beyond the sexual harassment scandal that sparked much of the current uproar. The CWA filed a lawsuit in June claiming Activision Blizzard violated labor laws by firing quality assurance contractors. In May, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) determined that allegations that the company was threatening union organizers were true. Numerous reports have also circulated claims that the gaming giant has been spreading anti-union messages.

The new lawsuit doesn't necessarily change Activision Blizzard's predicament. The company faces penalties and mandatory policy changes if it is found to be in violation of labor laws. However, the prosecution adds additional pressure and could shape a potential punishment.

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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