AI skepticism gives way to curiosity among customer service teams

There is A plot of talk In THE customer service industry about support agents feeling “AI anxiety" – There is A fear around THE impact generative AI East going has to have on jobs.

It is understandable that change can TO DO a few people A little worried, And It is All right. There is No doubt that THE industry East going through massive disruption.

Leaders need has think about how they to want has to use AI has to drive business success. AI will certainly help has cut costs, but We believe It is value East felt just as a lot In THE path he improved customer And team experiences.

As We continue has pioneer AI first Customer Service here on THE Intercom Customer Support team, were realize more And more that AI is not it event has customer service people – It is event For them.

Empowerment support teams

THE reality East that AI tools are incredibly accountability For customer service teams. Support leaders WHO to have Already begin adopt AI will probably identify with a few of THE following changes were experiment:

Support representatives don't do it to have has agreement with all of those boring FAQs that they used has to have has answer on And on Again – that feeling of boredom East survey When there are less repetitive queries has handle. THE support Waiting lines are released up SO your team will only handle Really complex queries that Really need THE human touch – support representatives feel disputed And engaged more often. Support representatives can spend time with each customer And Really give them THE care, attention, And help they need instead of trying has move through as a lot the subjects as possible. Were discovery A bigger sense of realization as We help each customer. THE process of training And upgrade East do dramatically Easier with AI tools – relevant information East NOW has your tip of the fingers, portion You get up has speed path faster that previously possible. That sense of incapacity that new representatives can feel For enough A long time East replaced with A sense of trust. People WHO work In customer service can move In more precious, strategic the roles. THE support role becomes A plot more difficult, interesting, And pleasant. It is deeply accountability has work has THE Cut edge of technological adoption, And realize how a lot opportunities he opens up.

Were detection A widespread change In attitude around all This, especially Since We announcement Fin AI Co-pilot, A staff AI assistant For each agent. THE skepticism East giving path has curiosity.

Your First of all 30 days

We have heard Since a lot people WHO are wondering how has get begin with AI. OUR advice? Just TO DO he – You won't regret that.

Here is A fast guide has your First of all 30 days with AI.

AI skepticism gives way to curiosity among customer service teams

There is A plot of talk In THE customer service industry about support agents feeling “AI anxiety" – There is A fear around THE impact generative AI East going has to have on jobs.

It is understandable that change can TO DO a few people A little worried, And It is All right. There is No doubt that THE industry East going through massive disruption.

Leaders need has think about how they to want has to use AI has to drive business success. AI will certainly help has cut costs, but We believe It is value East felt just as a lot In THE path he improved customer And team experiences.

As We continue has pioneer AI first Customer Service here on THE Intercom Customer Support team, were realize more And more that AI is not it event has customer service people – It is event For them.

Empowerment support teams

THE reality East that AI tools are incredibly accountability For customer service teams. Support leaders WHO to have Already begin adopt AI will probably identify with a few of THE following changes were experiment:

Support representatives don't do it to have has agreement with all of those boring FAQs that they used has to have has answer on And on Again – that feeling of boredom East survey When there are less repetitive queries has handle. THE support Waiting lines are released up SO your team will only handle Really complex queries that Really need THE human touch – support representatives feel disputed And engaged more often. Support representatives can spend time with each customer And Really give them THE care, attention, And help they need instead of trying has move through as a lot the subjects as possible. Were discovery A bigger sense of realization as We help each customer. THE process of training And upgrade East do dramatically Easier with AI tools – relevant information East NOW has your tip of the fingers, portion You get up has speed path faster that previously possible. That sense of incapacity that new representatives can feel For enough A long time East replaced with A sense of trust. People WHO work In customer service can move In more precious, strategic the roles. THE support role becomes A plot more difficult, interesting, And pleasant. It is deeply accountability has work has THE Cut edge of technological adoption, And realize how a lot opportunities he opens up.

Were detection A widespread change In attitude around all This, especially Since We announcement Fin AI Co-pilot, A staff AI assistant For each agent. THE skepticism East giving path has curiosity.

Your First of all 30 days

We have heard Since a lot people WHO are wondering how has get begin with AI. OUR advice? Just TO DO he – You won't regret that.

Here is A fast guide has your First of all 30 days with AI.

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