Altitude masks are total BS

Image for article titled Altitude masks are bullshit Photo: Paul Biryukov (Shutterstock)

Thin air at high altitudes has long been recognized as a training superpower for athletes. If you live and train at altitude, you'll likely wipe the floor with your lowland competitors. That's why elite runners often move to a mountain town, temporarily or permanently, to get some of those sweet altitude adaptations. Wouldn't it be great if you could do the same thing without having to jump on a plane?


Altitude masks are total BS
Image for article titled Altitude masks are bullshit Photo: Paul Biryukov (Shutterstock)

Thin air at high altitudes has long been recognized as a training superpower for athletes. If you live and train at altitude, you'll likely wipe the floor with your lowland competitors. That's why elite runners often move to a mountain town, temporarily or permanently, to get some of those sweet altitude adaptations. Wouldn't it be great if you could do the same thing without having to jump on a plane?


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