Apple reconsiders plans to remove web apps from iPhones in the EU

Apple has walk back It is decision has withdraw House screen the Web apps In THE European union (EU). After initially blame It is decision has ditch them on THE Digital Markets Acts (DMA) requirement has support non-WebKit browsers, Apple NOW said European users will back has enjoy THE even the Web application experience Since Before When iOS 17.4 arrived early This month.

"We to have received requests has continue has offer support For Home Screen the Web apps In iOS, SO We will continue has offer THE existing Home Screen the Web apps aptitude In THE EU," Apple wrote Friday In A update developer support document. "This support means Home Screen the Web apps continue has be built directly on Web Kit And It is security architecture, And align with THE security And confidentiality model For native apps on iOS."

Progressive the Web apps (PWA) act a lot as native apps with features as dedicated the Windows, notice And local storage. Apple deleted them For European clients In THE second iOS 17.4 beta, instead ask if users to want has open THE website In Safari.

HAS THE time, THE business claims the Web application support could compromise security, given THE DMA requirement has support non-WebKit Navigator engines. “Addressing THE complex security And confidentiality concerns partner with the Web apps using alternative Navigator engines would be require building A entirely new the integration architecture that do not Currently exist In iOS And was not practical has undertake given THE other requests of THE AMD And THE very weak user adoption of Home Screen the Web applications," THE business wrote In February.

THE Open the Web Advocacy organization chimed In quickly has criticize Apples now reversed move. "Apple has had 15 years has facilitate TRUE Navigator competition global, And almost two years Since THE DMA final text," THE organization wrote In FEBRUARY. "He could to have used that time has share Functionality he historically self-preferred has Safari with other browsers. Inaction And silence speak volumes. »

THE EU doesn't her a lot happier about THE the Web application deletion. European Commission civil servants said In late FEBRUARY they were survey Apples decision In What sounded as THE accumulate has A official investigation. THE Financial Schedules reported that regulators sent developers questions about THE impact of Apples PWA deletion.

Never mind can to have arrived between SO And NOW has change Apples spirit, It is remaining agape. Instead, THE business East management It is reversal as A simple answer has “requests” he received has continue offer House screen the Web applications. Maybe EU civil servants insured THE iPhone maker THE business wouldn't he need has support PWA Since other Navigator engines, Or maybe THE business simply research has head disabled A official probe (And THE bad RP he could generate). Regardless, only European iOS 17.4 beta users are without the Web applications, And they go to have them back once THE softwares final version arrives.


Apple reconsiders plans to remove web apps from iPhones in the EU

Apple has walk back It is decision has withdraw House screen the Web apps In THE European union (EU). After initially blame It is decision has ditch them on THE Digital Markets Acts (DMA) requirement has support non-WebKit browsers, Apple NOW said European users will back has enjoy THE even the Web application experience Since Before When iOS 17.4 arrived early This month.

"We to have received requests has continue has offer support For Home Screen the Web apps In iOS, SO We will continue has offer THE existing Home Screen the Web apps aptitude In THE EU," Apple wrote Friday In A update developer support document. "This support means Home Screen the Web apps continue has be built directly on Web Kit And It is security architecture, And align with THE security And confidentiality model For native apps on iOS."

Progressive the Web apps (PWA) act a lot as native apps with features as dedicated the Windows, notice And local storage. Apple deleted them For European clients In THE second iOS 17.4 beta, instead ask if users to want has open THE website In Safari.

HAS THE time, THE business claims the Web application support could compromise security, given THE DMA requirement has support non-WebKit Navigator engines. “Addressing THE complex security And confidentiality concerns partner with the Web apps using alternative Navigator engines would be require building A entirely new the integration architecture that do not Currently exist In iOS And was not practical has undertake given THE other requests of THE AMD And THE very weak user adoption of Home Screen the Web applications," THE business wrote In February.

THE Open the Web Advocacy organization chimed In quickly has criticize Apples now reversed move. "Apple has had 15 years has facilitate TRUE Navigator competition global, And almost two years Since THE DMA final text," THE organization wrote In FEBRUARY. "He could to have used that time has share Functionality he historically self-preferred has Safari with other browsers. Inaction And silence speak volumes. »

THE EU doesn't her a lot happier about THE the Web application deletion. European Commission civil servants said In late FEBRUARY they were survey Apples decision In What sounded as THE accumulate has A official investigation. THE Financial Schedules reported that regulators sent developers questions about THE impact of Apples PWA deletion.

Never mind can to have arrived between SO And NOW has change Apples spirit, It is remaining agape. Instead, THE business East management It is reversal as A simple answer has “requests” he received has continue offer House screen the Web applications. Maybe EU civil servants insured THE iPhone maker THE business wouldn't he need has support PWA Since other Navigator engines, Or maybe THE business simply research has head disabled A official probe (And THE bad RP he could generate). Regardless, only European iOS 17.4 beta users are without the Web applications, And they go to have them back once THE softwares final version arrives.


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