Aptos token surges 11.6% after Microsoft agrees to marry AI to blockchain

APT rose 17.6% in the first 50 minutes before cooling to $7.51, still 11.6 % above pre-announcement levels.

= =.jpg 1x, https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/960_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMDgvMmEwOTIwOWItZDk5My00MWUxLTgwZmMtMGI0OTZmOWE3ZGJlLmpwZw == .jpg 2x" src="https:// alt="A Le ptos token surges 11.6% after Microsoft agrees to marry AI to blockchain" class="lazy-image__img type: primaryImage"/> News Join us on social networks

Aptos (APT), the cryptocurrency that powers the Aptos layer 1 blockchain network, has grown around 11.6% since announcing it will leverage the suite of tools artificial intelligence software to advance the adoption of Web3 by banks and financial companies.

This will be achieved by enabling the Aptos network to leverage Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service to explore innovations in asset tokenization, on-chain payments and central bank digital currencies, Aptos explained in a statement. from August 9.

Today we are making Aptos history. @AptosLabs partners with @Microsoft to unlock Web3 on @Aptos_Network.

As @msPartner, our joint suite of AI-enabled tools will provide developers and users worldwide with effortless access to Web3. (1/6) pic.twitter.com/zWsrVWhSql

— Aptos Laboratories (@AptosLabs) August 9, 2023

Mo Shaikh, the CEO of Aptos Labs who previously worked at Meta and BlackRock, expressed high hopes for AI-based blockchain solutions:

“Artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies are rapidly converging for one important reason: they are both generational breakthroughs that are having a profound impact on the evolution of the internet and shaping society.”

One of the new tools, Aptos Assistant, a chatbot powered by ChatGPT, will aim to help users navigate from Web2 to Web3 by offering virtual guidance along with the onboarding process.

Microsoft will also strengthen the security of

Aptos token surges 11.6% after Microsoft agrees to marry AI to blockchain

APT rose 17.6% in the first 50 minutes before cooling to $7.51, still 11.6 % above pre-announcement levels.

= =.jpg 1x, https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/960_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMDgvMmEwOTIwOWItZDk5My00MWUxLTgwZmMtMGI0OTZmOWE3ZGJlLmpwZw == .jpg 2x" src="https:// alt="A Le ptos token surges 11.6% after Microsoft agrees to marry AI to blockchain" class="lazy-image__img type: primaryImage"/> News Join us on social networks

Aptos (APT), the cryptocurrency that powers the Aptos layer 1 blockchain network, has grown around 11.6% since announcing it will leverage the suite of tools artificial intelligence software to advance the adoption of Web3 by banks and financial companies.

This will be achieved by enabling the Aptos network to leverage Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service to explore innovations in asset tokenization, on-chain payments and central bank digital currencies, Aptos explained in a statement. from August 9.

Today we are making Aptos history. @AptosLabs partners with @Microsoft to unlock Web3 on @Aptos_Network.

As @msPartner, our joint suite of AI-enabled tools will provide developers and users worldwide with effortless access to Web3. (1/6) pic.twitter.com/zWsrVWhSql

— Aptos Laboratories (@AptosLabs) August 9, 2023

Mo Shaikh, the CEO of Aptos Labs who previously worked at Meta and BlackRock, expressed high hopes for AI-based blockchain solutions:

“Artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies are rapidly converging for one important reason: they are both generational breakthroughs that are having a profound impact on the evolution of the internet and shaping society.”

One of the new tools, Aptos Assistant, a chatbot powered by ChatGPT, will aim to help users navigate from Web2 to Web3 by offering virtual guidance along with the onboarding process.

Microsoft will also strengthen the security of

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