Are you a young grandparent? Here are 5 ways it can be a blessing

Becoming a grandparent is a milestone that brings many blessings. However, when you find yourself in this relatively young role, you may wonder if you are ready to take on this responsibility.

My husband and I became grandparents at 41, to which we did not expect. All sorts of doubts crossed our minds because we still had young children at home and didn't know what was expected of us.

However, our doubts flew out the window with one look at our newborn grandson. The blessing we held in our arms put things into perspective and realigned us with our God-given purpose. It has been eleven years since that day, and now we see how God has transformed our apprehensions into one of the greatest blessings this side of heaven.

If you're a young grandparent, here's why it can be a blessing:

1. You have the energy to keep up with them

Recently, I was jogging with my grandchildren while they were riding their scooters. My eldest grandson said, "Wow, Nana, I can't believe you can run!" His statement made me laugh and also thanked God for having the energy to follow them. These kinds of blessings make me realize how wonderful it is to be a young grandparent.

Although our grandchildren wear us out from time to time, there are many things we can do to stay active and keep up. Here are some activities to consider:

– Hike, bike or swim

-Camping or nature walks

-Play basketball

-Playing tennis

-Playing ping pong

Not only can we participate in physical activities with our grandchildren, but we can also enjoy the activities they participate in, such as sports, music, art, 4-H and other clubs school. Being a young grandparent gives us the energy we need to be active with our grandchildren and enjoy every minute.

2. You can follow trends

grandfather with child looking at tablet

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/monkeybusinessimages

With today's technology, grandparents need to be aware and try to keep up with certain trends. Notice I mentioned some of the trends - because not all of them are good for our grandkids or for us.

Whether it's posting funny videos on TikTok or searching for silly memes, our grandkids will love that we engage in the things that interest them. Here are ways to keep up with the latest trends while still having a positive influence on your grandkids:

-Be interested in fashion trends while encouraging modesty.

- Know who they follow on social media and advise them to be cautious.

-Watch movies that are both entertaining and clean.

- Listen to the music they like while flagging questionable lyrics.

-Go to concerts, sporting events and festivals.

Remember that you can have fun with your grandkids and keep up to date with the latest trends while maintaining divine standards. Hopefully, they'll understand your limitations and start asking questions that can lead to more Bible discussions. Ultimately, we want to connect with our grandchildren in a way that they too are encouraged by our faith.

3. You will see them grow

As a young grandparent, you have the benefit of watching your grandchildren reach milestones such as their first steps, first words, and first day of school. You can witness their growth and development and be there to support and encourage them as they face life's challenges. And God willing, you will see your grandchildren reach adulthood, get married and have children of their own one day.

Psalm 145:4 says: "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty deeds." And the Psalmist says, in Psalm 71:18, "So until old age and gray hair, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your power to another generation, your power to all those to come."

Watching our grandchildren grow up is a precious blessing from God. Let's take advantage of all the opportunities that come our way...

Are you a young grandparent? Here are 5 ways it can be a blessing

Becoming a grandparent is a milestone that brings many blessings. However, when you find yourself in this relatively young role, you may wonder if you are ready to take on this responsibility.

My husband and I became grandparents at 41, to which we did not expect. All sorts of doubts crossed our minds because we still had young children at home and didn't know what was expected of us.

However, our doubts flew out the window with one look at our newborn grandson. The blessing we held in our arms put things into perspective and realigned us with our God-given purpose. It has been eleven years since that day, and now we see how God has transformed our apprehensions into one of the greatest blessings this side of heaven.

If you're a young grandparent, here's why it can be a blessing:

1. You have the energy to keep up with them

Recently, I was jogging with my grandchildren while they were riding their scooters. My eldest grandson said, "Wow, Nana, I can't believe you can run!" His statement made me laugh and also thanked God for having the energy to follow them. These kinds of blessings make me realize how wonderful it is to be a young grandparent.

Although our grandchildren wear us out from time to time, there are many things we can do to stay active and keep up. Here are some activities to consider:

– Hike, bike or swim

-Camping or nature walks

-Play basketball

-Playing tennis

-Playing ping pong

Not only can we participate in physical activities with our grandchildren, but we can also enjoy the activities they participate in, such as sports, music, art, 4-H and other clubs school. Being a young grandparent gives us the energy we need to be active with our grandchildren and enjoy every minute.

2. You can follow trends

grandfather with child looking at tablet

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/monkeybusinessimages

With today's technology, grandparents need to be aware and try to keep up with certain trends. Notice I mentioned some of the trends - because not all of them are good for our grandkids or for us.

Whether it's posting funny videos on TikTok or searching for silly memes, our grandkids will love that we engage in the things that interest them. Here are ways to keep up with the latest trends while still having a positive influence on your grandkids:

-Be interested in fashion trends while encouraging modesty.

- Know who they follow on social media and advise them to be cautious.

-Watch movies that are both entertaining and clean.

- Listen to the music they like while flagging questionable lyrics.

-Go to concerts, sporting events and festivals.

Remember that you can have fun with your grandkids and keep up to date with the latest trends while maintaining divine standards. Hopefully, they'll understand your limitations and start asking questions that can lead to more Bible discussions. Ultimately, we want to connect with our grandchildren in a way that they too are encouraged by our faith.

3. You will see them grow

As a young grandparent, you have the benefit of watching your grandchildren reach milestones such as their first steps, first words, and first day of school. You can witness their growth and development and be there to support and encourage them as they face life's challenges. And God willing, you will see your grandchildren reach adulthood, get married and have children of their own one day.

Psalm 145:4 says: "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty deeds." And the Psalmist says, in Psalm 71:18, "So until old age and gray hair, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your power to another generation, your power to all those to come."

Watching our grandchildren grow up is a precious blessing from God. Let's take advantage of all the opportunities that come our way...

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