Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble play Latin Jazz at Birdland

Arturo O'Farrill is a Grammy-winning Mexican-American pianist, composer, and jazz leader. He seems to win a Grammy almost every year.

O'Farrill is one of the padrinos (godfathers) of Latin jazz and Latin music in New York. He mentors artists and is very active in developing the next generation and giving back to the community.

Arturo is the son of Cuban jazz legend Chico O'Farrill, and has provided the Sunday night Latin jazz gig at Birdland for over 20 years. Arturo's children are also talented musicians.

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)
Birdland Sunday Night Latin Jazz

Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble play Birdland in Hell's Kitchen on Sunday nights at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. Starting at $30.

Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble play Latin Jazz at Birdland

Arturo O'Farrill is a Grammy-winning Mexican-American pianist, composer, and jazz leader. He seems to win a Grammy almost every year.

O'Farrill is one of the padrinos (godfathers) of Latin jazz and Latin music in New York. He mentors artists and is very active in developing the next generation and giving back to the community.

Arturo is the son of Cuban jazz legend Chico O'Farrill, and has provided the Sunday night Latin jazz gig at Birdland for over 20 years. Arturo's children are also talented musicians.

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)

Multi-Grammy winner Arturo O'Farrill (World Music Institute)
Birdland Sunday Night Latin Jazz

Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble play Birdland in Hell's Kitchen on Sunday nights at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. Starting at $30.

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