As the Singapore Film Commission celebrates its 25th anniversary, SGIFF Panorama filmmakers reflect on the success of the country's global festival

THE Singapore Movie Commission (CFS) famous It is 25 birthday during THE 34th Singapore International Movie Festival (SGIFF) with A sumptuous to party assisted by THE great And THE GOOD of THE industry.

However THE local box desk For Singaporean movies has Again has reconquer It is pre-pandemic Heights, they are TO DO GOOD internationally with 2023 alone seeing selections has all THE high festivals, including Sun Dance, Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Busan And San Sébastien.

Variety spoke with A cross section of producers And directors of which work East Featured has SGIFF Singapore Panorama strand And they are naturally grateful of THE SFC efforts.

"OUR SFC has has been very favorable of festival/independent films”, said Michelle Chang, writer And producer of "Wonderland," which East supported by THE SFC. "With OUR Governments support, he East Easier For We has attract more sponsorships And investments with international the partners. So You notice that Singapore has A slate of movies that are not just Singaporean In theme but are South East Asian In theme, Or Singapore producers are able has adventure beyond OUR shores has TO DO movies with prominent directors And producers In THE region. And has A a look, a lot of these stories that were given subsidies, tender has be more art house Or 'festival' In nature. »

A hot current example of local producers to venture beyond THE island nation has say South East Asian stories East SGIFF opener And Cannes Reviews' Week winner "Tiger Grooves, " by Malaysian director Amandine Nelly EU, Or Singapore Akanga Movie East A of THE producers.

Another example East Shaun Neo Panorama selection "My Unending Numbered Days," which East A Singapore-Japan co-production. "I think A of THE most important factors that contributed has Singapore movie theater be prominent internationally In THE festival circuit East THE people WHO are not just filmmakers Since Singapore movie theater, but world movie theater. I think Fran Borgia of Akanga Movie And Jeremiah Chua of Potocol, WHO Also product non-Singapore movies, SO allow Singapore movies has be able has socket their weight In THE international arena," Neo said.

THE SFC has supported more that 800 short movies, scripts And functionality movies, as GOOD as related to cinema events In Singapore that showcase local Talent And works. THE 25 birthday celebrations kicked disabled In August And continued through October with THE "OUR Stories, Well told » campaign that included free movie projections, industry sharing sessions And to access has Made in Singapore content In collaboration with MediaCorp.

Veteran Kelvin Tong, of which last work "A Year of No Importance" East A Panorama selection, said: "Singapore came has movie theater relatively late compared with has other countries. So, We to have A big reservoir of unspeakable stories. HAS see those stories famous internationally on THE festival circuit East comforting. It is A will has THE power of simple narration, which In these days of downloads And playlists, East always Dear. »

"A Year of No Importance" producer Leon Tong added: "Singapore filmmakers And producers to have taken huge risks has build up THE industry A stage has A time. Hyperopia government help And subsidies to have Also provided THE essential fuel For OUR industry has capitalize on each earn, No matter how big Or little. It is A from top to bottom push that has allowed Singapore has reach huge results In recent years...

As the Singapore Film Commission celebrates its 25th anniversary, SGIFF Panorama filmmakers reflect on the success of the country's global festival

THE Singapore Movie Commission (CFS) famous It is 25 birthday during THE 34th Singapore International Movie Festival (SGIFF) with A sumptuous to party assisted by THE great And THE GOOD of THE industry.

However THE local box desk For Singaporean movies has Again has reconquer It is pre-pandemic Heights, they are TO DO GOOD internationally with 2023 alone seeing selections has all THE high festivals, including Sun Dance, Berlin, Cannes, Locarno, Busan And San Sébastien.

Variety spoke with A cross section of producers And directors of which work East Featured has SGIFF Singapore Panorama strand And they are naturally grateful of THE SFC efforts.

"OUR SFC has has been very favorable of festival/independent films”, said Michelle Chang, writer And producer of "Wonderland," which East supported by THE SFC. "With OUR Governments support, he East Easier For We has attract more sponsorships And investments with international the partners. So You notice that Singapore has A slate of movies that are not just Singaporean In theme but are South East Asian In theme, Or Singapore producers are able has adventure beyond OUR shores has TO DO movies with prominent directors And producers In THE region. And has A a look, a lot of these stories that were given subsidies, tender has be more art house Or 'festival' In nature. »

A hot current example of local producers to venture beyond THE island nation has say South East Asian stories East SGIFF opener And Cannes Reviews' Week winner "Tiger Grooves, " by Malaysian director Amandine Nelly EU, Or Singapore Akanga Movie East A of THE producers.

Another example East Shaun Neo Panorama selection "My Unending Numbered Days," which East A Singapore-Japan co-production. "I think A of THE most important factors that contributed has Singapore movie theater be prominent internationally In THE festival circuit East THE people WHO are not just filmmakers Since Singapore movie theater, but world movie theater. I think Fran Borgia of Akanga Movie And Jeremiah Chua of Potocol, WHO Also product non-Singapore movies, SO allow Singapore movies has be able has socket their weight In THE international arena," Neo said.

THE SFC has supported more that 800 short movies, scripts And functionality movies, as GOOD as related to cinema events In Singapore that showcase local Talent And works. THE 25 birthday celebrations kicked disabled In August And continued through October with THE "OUR Stories, Well told » campaign that included free movie projections, industry sharing sessions And to access has Made in Singapore content In collaboration with MediaCorp.

Veteran Kelvin Tong, of which last work "A Year of No Importance" East A Panorama selection, said: "Singapore came has movie theater relatively late compared with has other countries. So, We to have A big reservoir of unspeakable stories. HAS see those stories famous internationally on THE festival circuit East comforting. It is A will has THE power of simple narration, which In these days of downloads And playlists, East always Dear. »

"A Year of No Importance" producer Leon Tong added: "Singapore filmmakers And producers to have taken huge risks has build up THE industry A stage has A time. Hyperopia government help And subsidies to have Also provided THE essential fuel For OUR industry has capitalize on each earn, No matter how big Or little. It is A from top to bottom push that has allowed Singapore has reach huge results In recent years...

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