Back from a long vacation? Nine tips for getting back to your work routine

All professionals need time to rest and recharge, but getting back into your work routine after a vacation or extended PTO can be challenging, especially if you have a lot of messages or tasks to go through. Too quickly, that sense of relaxation you gained while you were away is replaced by stress and anxiety about all the tasks that need your urgent attention.

But your first day back at work doesn't have to be so overwhelming. Below, members of the Young Entrepreneur Council share nine tips for gradually picking up the pace after your vacation and returning to work rested and ready for your next challenge.

1. Meet your team to debrief

Have a "debriefing" meeting to talk with the most important members of your team. A meeting is valuable because it gives your team the chance to mention things that might have been missed in messages. It also lets you see if priorities have changed for an action item. Some may have been resolved or made less important since the messages were last sent. - Matt Doyle, Excel Builders

2. Write down your goals for the week

Before you dive into all your emails and messages, sit down with a piece of paper and write down your goals for the week. They may change depending on what's ahead of you, but your goals may also be about catching up, for example: 1. I'll be aware of all emails by the end of the day; 2. I will build time into my schedule to complete the tasks that need to be done so that my catch-up efforts do not derail critical items; 3. If I feel overwhelmed, I will remind myself that it is only temporary and be grateful for the free time I was able to spend instead of being upset. Finally, be kind to yourself and thank others for their patience with you! - Alex Brown, The Beard Club

3. Start with 'Me Time'

Going on vacation is always hugely rejuvenating, but all the daunting tasks that pile up while you're away can become overwhelming. The best way for me to tackle my to-do list is to get up early and start my day with me. Getting up an hour earlier at 5 a.m. to stretch, pray, meditate, and have my morning tea prepares my body for the day ahead. I'll then jump into my emails to organize them and keep up to date with what's been going on in my absence. I use a color coding system in my emails to help me quickly address the appropriate tasks. Starting early before the rest of the day is the best way to catch up and be ready for the new day ahead! - Racquelle Pakutz, Zen Freight Solutions Inc.

4. Prioritize your to-do list

When you return to the office after some free time, the amount of work you will find in the queue can seem like an avalanche. In my experience, however, not everything needs your attention, although it seems like it definitely does...

Back from a long vacation? Nine tips for getting back to your work routine

All professionals need time to rest and recharge, but getting back into your work routine after a vacation or extended PTO can be challenging, especially if you have a lot of messages or tasks to go through. Too quickly, that sense of relaxation you gained while you were away is replaced by stress and anxiety about all the tasks that need your urgent attention.

But your first day back at work doesn't have to be so overwhelming. Below, members of the Young Entrepreneur Council share nine tips for gradually picking up the pace after your vacation and returning to work rested and ready for your next challenge.

1. Meet your team to debrief

Have a "debriefing" meeting to talk with the most important members of your team. A meeting is valuable because it gives your team the chance to mention things that might have been missed in messages. It also lets you see if priorities have changed for an action item. Some may have been resolved or made less important since the messages were last sent. - Matt Doyle, Excel Builders

2. Write down your goals for the week

Before you dive into all your emails and messages, sit down with a piece of paper and write down your goals for the week. They may change depending on what's ahead of you, but your goals may also be about catching up, for example: 1. I'll be aware of all emails by the end of the day; 2. I will build time into my schedule to complete the tasks that need to be done so that my catch-up efforts do not derail critical items; 3. If I feel overwhelmed, I will remind myself that it is only temporary and be grateful for the free time I was able to spend instead of being upset. Finally, be kind to yourself and thank others for their patience with you! - Alex Brown, The Beard Club

3. Start with 'Me Time'

Going on vacation is always hugely rejuvenating, but all the daunting tasks that pile up while you're away can become overwhelming. The best way for me to tackle my to-do list is to get up early and start my day with me. Getting up an hour earlier at 5 a.m. to stretch, pray, meditate, and have my morning tea prepares my body for the day ahead. I'll then jump into my emails to organize them and keep up to date with what's been going on in my absence. I use a color coding system in my emails to help me quickly address the appropriate tasks. Starting early before the rest of the day is the best way to catch up and be ready for the new day ahead! - Racquelle Pakutz, Zen Freight Solutions Inc.

4. Prioritize your to-do list

When you return to the office after some free time, the amount of work you will find in the queue can seem like an avalanche. In my experience, however, not everything needs your attention, although it seems like it definitely does...

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