BBC iPlayer to end downloads for PC and Mac

A pop-up message that appears when trying to download an iPlayer program to a computer
By Chris VallanceTechnology reporter

BBC streaming service iPlayer to end downloads for users watching on desktop or laptop computers.

Programs will still be available for download on tablets and phones via the iPlayer mobile application.

Currently viewers on PC and Mac can record programs via the iPlayer Downloads application, but this will be closed.

The The changes were "due to low numbers of people using it and "It does not affect downloads on the BBC iPlayer mobile or tablet apps and viewers can continue to stream programmes. on BBC iPlayer on their PCs and Macs," a spokesperson added.

The BBC has published a timetable of planned changes:

February 2 - new BBC iPlayer Downloads app downloads end on March 11 - downloading programs from the web will end. Users will still be able to watch all existing downloads until April 8April 8 - BBC iPlayer Downloads app will be closed

The company refused to reveal...

BBC iPlayer to end downloads for PC and Mac
A pop-up message that appears when trying to download an iPlayer program to a computer
By Chris VallanceTechnology reporter

BBC streaming service iPlayer to end downloads for users watching on desktop or laptop computers.

Programs will still be available for download on tablets and phones via the iPlayer mobile application.

Currently viewers on PC and Mac can record programs via the iPlayer Downloads application, but this will be closed.

The The changes were "due to low numbers of people using it and "It does not affect downloads on the BBC iPlayer mobile or tablet apps and viewers can continue to stream programmes. on BBC iPlayer on their PCs and Macs," a spokesperson added.

The BBC has published a timetable of planned changes:

February 2 - new BBC iPlayer Downloads app downloads end on March 11 - downloading programs from the web will end. Users will still be able to watch all existing downloads until April 8April 8 - BBC iPlayer Downloads app will be closed

The company refused to reveal...

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