Bear attacks circus ringmaster in front of children before cruel stunt

WARNING: HARMFUL CONTENT Videos from the "Soviet Circus" show, performed in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk by traveling troupe Zvezdny, have sparked new calls for ban on live animal shows

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Russia: Shocking bear tries to attack circus ringmaster

A terrified bear attacked a circus leader in front of a large crowd of children and their parents.

The brown bear suddenly stirred before stepping into the ring to show off his tricks in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk.

There were gasps in the audience as the ringmaster and a trainer struggled to control the brown bear, tugging on its leash to force it to obey, as it tried to escape.

Someone is heard yelling, "What's wrong? Shit."

The trainers each gave the bear a treat - which was on a leash - and the animal performed a trick by jumping on stools while standing upright on its hind legs.

Travelling circus in Russian city from Blagoveshchensk Traveling circus in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk (


Zvezdny Circus/east2west news)

Onlookers clapped in relief as the bear completed its stunt.

There was no fence or brought to the crowd.

As the images spread online, there were calls to ban live animal performances in circuses.

Travelling circus in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk

Bear attacks circus ringmaster in front of children before cruel stunt

WARNING: HARMFUL CONTENT Videos from the "Soviet Circus" show, performed in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk by traveling troupe Zvezdny, have sparked new calls for ban on live animal shows

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Russia: Shocking bear tries to attack circus ringmaster

A terrified bear attacked a circus leader in front of a large crowd of children and their parents.

The brown bear suddenly stirred before stepping into the ring to show off his tricks in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk.

There were gasps in the audience as the ringmaster and a trainer struggled to control the brown bear, tugging on its leash to force it to obey, as it tried to escape.

Someone is heard yelling, "What's wrong? Shit."

The trainers each gave the bear a treat - which was on a leash - and the animal performed a trick by jumping on stools while standing upright on its hind legs.

Travelling circus in Russian city from Blagoveshchensk Traveling circus in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk (


Zvezdny Circus/east2west news)

Onlookers clapped in relief as the bear completed its stunt.

There was no fence or brought to the crowd.

As the images spread online, there were calls to ban live animal performances in circuses.

Travelling circus in the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk

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