Bethenny Frankel Says She's Not Afraid to Burn Things Khaleesi-Style to Support Reality Stars

August 31, 2023 7:11 p.m.
Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel has no dragons, but she's willing to burn it all to support her fellow stars reality TV.

Former Real Housewives of New York City appeared on Literally! with the Rob Lowe podcast this week to talk about his “reality reckoning” plan, which calls for fairer treatment for reality TV stars.

Frankel realizes that her pro-union stance hasn't made her popular with Bravo, his old network.

"I can tell you with great certainty that everyone at Bravo probably despises me, including Andy Cohen, because it's very personal and because they have to protect the kingdom," she said in Thursday's episode.

Frankel is currently working with attorneys and is supported by SAG-AFTRA in its campaign for a level playing field for reality TV stars.

“While we talk about a union and what it would look like, [SAG-AFTRA ] I also want to know in the short term what they could do to help,” she said. "And I was saying there should be some language, some contractual language in those contracts that everyone actually knows to include."

Among its biggest problems are the "unrealistic NDAs", which prohibit reality TV stars from share excerpts from the show or their own lives with the public. "It's a very complicated thing that I got into while burning bridges and feeling like I was biting the hand that fed me, but I fed myself," she said. "A lot of people weren't fed."

Bravo responded to Frankel's complaints about the NDA in a statement.

"Confidentiality clauses are common practice in reality programming to prevent disclosure of plots before diffusion. They are not. intended to prevent the cast and crew from disclosing illegal acts in the workplace, and they were not enforced in this manner. To be clear: any cast or crew, current or former, is free to discuss and disclose any allegedly illegal acts in the workplace, such as harassment or discrimination, or any other behavior they have reason to believe. inappropriate. »

Frankel says she advocates for people who "take such risks by being their own voice ". During this strike, they will be the ones everyone will turn to for cheap labor. »

Using a reference to Game of Thrones, she added: " Instead of just counting my money and not pissing anyone off, I chose to, you know, turn everything upside down, burn bridges and set the kingdom on fire, Khaleesi style.

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Bethenny Frankel Says She's Not Afraid to Burn Things Khaleesi-Style to Support Reality Stars
August 31, 2023 7:11 p.m.
Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel has no dragons, but she's willing to burn it all to support her fellow stars reality TV.

Former Real Housewives of New York City appeared on Literally! with the Rob Lowe podcast this week to talk about his “reality reckoning” plan, which calls for fairer treatment for reality TV stars.

Frankel realizes that her pro-union stance hasn't made her popular with Bravo, his old network.

"I can tell you with great certainty that everyone at Bravo probably despises me, including Andy Cohen, because it's very personal and because they have to protect the kingdom," she said in Thursday's episode.

Frankel is currently working with attorneys and is supported by SAG-AFTRA in its campaign for a level playing field for reality TV stars.

“While we talk about a union and what it would look like, [SAG-AFTRA ] I also want to know in the short term what they could do to help,” she said. "And I was saying there should be some language, some contractual language in those contracts that everyone actually knows to include."

Among its biggest problems are the "unrealistic NDAs", which prohibit reality TV stars from share excerpts from the show or their own lives with the public. "It's a very complicated thing that I got into while burning bridges and feeling like I was biting the hand that fed me, but I fed myself," she said. "A lot of people weren't fed."

Bravo responded to Frankel's complaints about the NDA in a statement.

"Confidentiality clauses are common practice in reality programming to prevent disclosure of plots before diffusion. They are not. intended to prevent the cast and crew from disclosing illegal acts in the workplace, and they were not enforced in this manner. To be clear: any cast or crew, current or former, is free to discuss and disclose any allegedly illegal acts in the workplace, such as harassment or discrimination, or any other behavior they have reason to believe. inappropriate. »

Frankel says she advocates for people who "take such risks by being their own voice ". During this strike, they will be the ones everyone will turn to for cheap labor. »

Using a reference to Game of Thrones, she added: " Instead of just counting my money and not pissing anyone off, I chose to, you know, turn everything upside down, burn bridges and set the kingdom on fire, Khaleesi style.

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