Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F Director Realized There's One Thing You Never Do With Eddie Murphy [Exclusive Interview]

Say Me about incorporation THE following generation of characters In This saga In THE form of Taylor Paige And Joseph Gordon-Levitt. When You came on advice, did You twist any of them of THE dynamic those characters had with anybody other, Or was he basically always foreseen has be as We see he In THE a movie?

Yeah, We amended both those the roles A a lot, especially Joseph Gordon Levitt role, just Really trying has find that boyfriend cop thing. It is very a lot trying has find that rub between him And Axel And how that pieces disabled but Also serves THE history as A entire Also. And Joe was great. Joe came In with SO a lot ideas on her character And how We can shape her character. We work A plot with Joe once he came In has find her corner on THE comedy. What is this bright about Joe, Why I Really love him, East he is very funny, but he just pieces he In A very different path has Eddie. He pieces he very right, And I think THE two of them together, It is A of THE things I love most about THE movie. Yeah, It is great.

And SO Taylor always knew THE — he was not about Jane be A comedy [force]. He was not about Axel And her girl has has be This wise-cracking kind of thing. THE scenario was built In A path Or she is A lawyer And she is A kind of different character. When I First of all came on, Taylor was WHO I had In My head Since THE very to start. There was A real strength In her eyes And strength of character. And he just was as, "I to want has see her go has toe has toe with Eddie Murphy," which East not A easy thing has TO DO, I can say You. Yeah.

I know THE First of all movie, commonly he came In as A whirlwind And was responsible For SO a lot improvisation And Really help contribute has that lightness of THE Your In that First of all movie. What was THE improvisation process as For You ? I mean, be probably A fan of has less these First of all two movies, be on THE together And watching Eddie Murphy improvisation, how TO DO You decide When has rein him in ?

You don't do it rein him In. [laughs] It is A thing I learned, that You TO DO not rein Eddie In. Not each time It is gold, but You know Or he is trying has take he Or What he is going has TO DO with he. SO I just don't do it rein In, And THE big thing I together out has TO DO was just has create A space For Eddie has TO DO her thing, Or For Eddie And Joe has TO DO their thing. HAS casting THE RIGHT actors through Since him, create bedroom In THE in writing For that has arrive, And create A space on together Or Eddie can work her Magic. It is A big part of My job, East has build that environment. A few of THE the funniest moments In THE movie East Eddie just improvise.

“Beverley Hills Cop: Axel F" East streaming NOW on Netflix.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F Director Realized There's One Thing You Never Do With Eddie Murphy [Exclusive Interview]

Say Me about incorporation THE following generation of characters In This saga In THE form of Taylor Paige And Joseph Gordon-Levitt. When You came on advice, did You twist any of them of THE dynamic those characters had with anybody other, Or was he basically always foreseen has be as We see he In THE a movie?

Yeah, We amended both those the roles A a lot, especially Joseph Gordon Levitt role, just Really trying has find that boyfriend cop thing. It is very a lot trying has find that rub between him And Axel And how that pieces disabled but Also serves THE history as A entire Also. And Joe was great. Joe came In with SO a lot ideas on her character And how We can shape her character. We work A plot with Joe once he came In has find her corner on THE comedy. What is this bright about Joe, Why I Really love him, East he is very funny, but he just pieces he In A very different path has Eddie. He pieces he very right, And I think THE two of them together, It is A of THE things I love most about THE movie. Yeah, It is great.

And SO Taylor always knew THE — he was not about Jane be A comedy [force]. He was not about Axel And her girl has has be This wise-cracking kind of thing. THE scenario was built In A path Or she is A lawyer And she is A kind of different character. When I First of all came on, Taylor was WHO I had In My head Since THE very to start. There was A real strength In her eyes And strength of character. And he just was as, "I to want has see her go has toe has toe with Eddie Murphy," which East not A easy thing has TO DO, I can say You. Yeah.

I know THE First of all movie, commonly he came In as A whirlwind And was responsible For SO a lot improvisation And Really help contribute has that lightness of THE Your In that First of all movie. What was THE improvisation process as For You ? I mean, be probably A fan of has less these First of all two movies, be on THE together And watching Eddie Murphy improvisation, how TO DO You decide When has rein him in ?

You don't do it rein him In. [laughs] It is A thing I learned, that You TO DO not rein Eddie In. Not each time It is gold, but You know Or he is trying has take he Or What he is going has TO DO with he. SO I just don't do it rein In, And THE big thing I together out has TO DO was just has create A space For Eddie has TO DO her thing, Or For Eddie And Joe has TO DO their thing. HAS casting THE RIGHT actors through Since him, create bedroom In THE in writing For that has arrive, And create A space on together Or Eddie can work her Magic. It is A big part of My job, East has build that environment. A few of THE the funniest moments In THE movie East Eddie just improvise.

“Beverley Hills Cop: Axel F" East streaming NOW on Netflix.

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