Billionaire Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson talks about his travels

Billionaire Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson talks about his travels, from his love for a hotel club sandwich to his hatred of 'lukewarm cruise food from a buffet' Branson reveals he needs 'd 'adventure and exercise' every time he's on vacation Elsewhere in our trip Q&A, he looks back on his worst vacation ever READ MORE: A trip to France and back with the 'best' airline of the UK and the "worst"

This week Virgin billionaire tycoon Sir Richard Branson takes our travel Q&A .

He describes his idea of ​​a cruise from hell, reflects on his first travel memory and reveals his room service order.

What kind of vacationer are you?

I can't sit still for a long time so forget the deckchairs. I need adventure and exercise. Give me a game of tennis to start the day, followed by some kite surfing, then a mountain bike ride, and I'm happy.

What can't you travel without?

My assistant, Helen. She travels everywhere with me and is always one step ahead. She always brings warmth and good humor and keeps me going if I'm homesick.

Richard Branson signs up for our travel Q&A, revealing his last trip was to Lapland for a charity event

Ideal travel companion?

My wife Joan - even though she doesn't travel much these days. We met in 1976 and she is still my rock. She's calm and always calls me...

Billionaire Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson talks about his travels
Billionaire Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson talks about his travels, from his love for a hotel club sandwich to his hatred of 'lukewarm cruise food from a buffet' Branson reveals he needs 'd 'adventure and exercise' every time he's on vacation Elsewhere in our trip Q&A, he looks back on his worst vacation ever READ MORE: A trip to France and back with the 'best' airline of the UK and the "worst"

This week Virgin billionaire tycoon Sir Richard Branson takes our travel Q&A .

He describes his idea of ​​a cruise from hell, reflects on his first travel memory and reveals his room service order.

What kind of vacationer are you?

I can't sit still for a long time so forget the deckchairs. I need adventure and exercise. Give me a game of tennis to start the day, followed by some kite surfing, then a mountain bike ride, and I'm happy.

What can't you travel without?

My assistant, Helen. She travels everywhere with me and is always one step ahead. She always brings warmth and good humor and keeps me going if I'm homesick.

Richard Branson signs up for our travel Q&A, revealing his last trip was to Lapland for a charity event

Ideal travel companion?

My wife Joan - even though she doesn't travel much these days. We met in 1976 and she is still my rock. She's calm and always calls me...

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