Binance Founder CZ Must Stay in US Until Sentencing, Judge Orders

A federal judge said ancient Binance CEO Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao East A flight risk if he Back has THE United Arab Emirates And must stay In THE WE. while on hold conviction.

Binance founder CZ must stay in the United States until sentencing, judge orders Breakup news Join We on social networks

Binance founder Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao has has been order has stay In THE United States until her sentencing In FEBRUARY, with A federal judge determine There is Also a lot of A flight risk if THE ancient exchange CEO East allowed has back has THE United Arab Emirates.

On Dec. 7, Seattle District Court Judge Richard Jones order Zhao has stay In THE WE. until her Feb. 23, 2024 sentencing date. He faces up has 18 month In prison After pleading guilty has money whitening on Nov. 21 And has agreed not has call any of them potential sentence up has that length.

"THE respondent has huge wealth And property abroad, And No ties has THE United States," Judge Jones wrote, All right with earlier arguments Since federal prosecutors WHO said they "would be not be able has secure her back" if Zhao decided not has back has THE United States.

"Her family resides In THE United Arab Emirates And he appears that he has favored Status In THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Below these circumstances THE Court find that THE respondent has not established by clear And convincing evidence that he East not likely has flee if he Back has THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES," Judge Jones added.

"Base on THE previous reason, THE Court SUBSIDIES THE Governments movement, And THE respondent duty stay In THE continental United States during THE period between her advocacy And sentencing."

On Dec. 6, Judge Jones

Binance Founder CZ Must Stay in US Until Sentencing, Judge Orders

A federal judge said ancient Binance CEO Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao East A flight risk if he Back has THE United Arab Emirates And must stay In THE WE. while on hold conviction.

Binance founder CZ must stay in the United States until sentencing, judge orders Breakup news Join We on social networks

Binance founder Chang Peng “CZ” Zhao has has been order has stay In THE United States until her sentencing In FEBRUARY, with A federal judge determine There is Also a lot of A flight risk if THE ancient exchange CEO East allowed has back has THE United Arab Emirates.

On Dec. 7, Seattle District Court Judge Richard Jones order Zhao has stay In THE WE. until her Feb. 23, 2024 sentencing date. He faces up has 18 month In prison After pleading guilty has money whitening on Nov. 21 And has agreed not has call any of them potential sentence up has that length.

"THE respondent has huge wealth And property abroad, And No ties has THE United States," Judge Jones wrote, All right with earlier arguments Since federal prosecutors WHO said they "would be not be able has secure her back" if Zhao decided not has back has THE United States.

"Her family resides In THE United Arab Emirates And he appears that he has favored Status In THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Below these circumstances THE Court find that THE respondent has not established by clear And convincing evidence that he East not likely has flee if he Back has THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES," Judge Jones added.

"Base on THE previous reason, THE Court SUBSIDIES THE Governments movement, And THE respondent duty stay In THE continental United States during THE period between her advocacy And sentencing."

On Dec. 6, Judge Jones

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