Bitcoin Market Structure Beneficial for Price Halving – Grayscale

According to has shades of grey, Bitcoin AND F can fundamentally change THE cryptocurrencies demand-offer report, counterweight THE reduce by half sell pressure.

The structure of the market of Bitcoin is beneficial for fixing the price after the halving — Grayscale News Join We on social networks

Fundamental changes has Bitcoin demand-offer equation are likely has to have A bigger impact on THE cryptocurrency prices following THE Future reduce by half, according to has A analysis Since active director Shades of grey.

Historically, periods of price appreciation to have follow up reduce by half events. However, A new postman will Also impact Bitcoin (BTC) performance For This the one from April divide by two: exchange traded funds (ETF).

"Beyond in general positive in chain fundamental, Bitcoin walk structure looks beneficial has price after the halving, " said THE report.

Shades of grey analysis points out that THE current mining rate of 6.25 Bitcoin by block the amounts has approximately $14 billion annually — considering THE price has $43,000. In other words, has maintain current prices, $14 billion value of buy pressure East required on THE even period.

"After the halving, these requirements will decrease by half: with only 3.125 Bitcoin mine by block, that equivalent has A decrease has $7 billion annually, Effectively relaxation THE sell pressure. »

THE sale pressure come Since Bitcoin minors. Each four years, Bitcoin undergoes A "reduce by half" event that cuts THE reward For mining A block In half. This slows down down THE rate has which new coins are introduced In THE network.

For minors, THE deflationary mechanism means A 50% reduction In mining income. Again, mining costs stay THE even Or can even increase In order has stay profitable. In answer has cost the pressures, minors generally sell more of their Bitcoin...

Bitcoin Market Structure Beneficial for Price Halving – Grayscale

According to has shades of grey, Bitcoin AND F can fundamentally change THE cryptocurrencies demand-offer report, counterweight THE reduce by half sell pressure.

The structure of the market of Bitcoin is beneficial for fixing the price after the halving — Grayscale News Join We on social networks

Fundamental changes has Bitcoin demand-offer equation are likely has to have A bigger impact on THE cryptocurrency prices following THE Future reduce by half, according to has A analysis Since active director Shades of grey.

Historically, periods of price appreciation to have follow up reduce by half events. However, A new postman will Also impact Bitcoin (BTC) performance For This the one from April divide by two: exchange traded funds (ETF).

"Beyond in general positive in chain fundamental, Bitcoin walk structure looks beneficial has price after the halving, " said THE report.

Shades of grey analysis points out that THE current mining rate of 6.25 Bitcoin by block the amounts has approximately $14 billion annually — considering THE price has $43,000. In other words, has maintain current prices, $14 billion value of buy pressure East required on THE even period.

"After the halving, these requirements will decrease by half: with only 3.125 Bitcoin mine by block, that equivalent has A decrease has $7 billion annually, Effectively relaxation THE sell pressure. »

THE sale pressure come Since Bitcoin minors. Each four years, Bitcoin undergoes A "reduce by half" event that cuts THE reward For mining A block In half. This slows down down THE rate has which new coins are introduced In THE network.

For minors, THE deflationary mechanism means A 50% reduction In mining income. Again, mining costs stay THE even Or can even increase In order has stay profitable. In answer has cost the pressures, minors generally sell more of their Bitcoin...

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