'The blame for Britons in danger of freezing to death at home lies with Tory ministers'

The voice from the mirror on the catastrophic and possibly deadly results of stubborn conservative dogma in the face of a tsunami of industrial action over the Christmas period

UK experiencing cold and harsh winter The UK is experiencing a cold and harsh winter (

Image: Getty Images)

If people were to die tragically during NHS strikes, the blame would lie with dogmatic Tory ministers who stubbornly refused to find common ground.

If politics is being played out in the wave of workplace disputes hitting Britain, it is being played out by Tory politicians who have stupidly and wickedly rejected negotiations with the same nurses and paramedics they have publicly applauded during Covid then slapped in the face with a massive drop in living standards.

Decent, impartial people everywhere want Tory ministers to enter into good faith pay negotiations with nurses, paramedics and others to avoid this week's walkouts.

If you don't, no one will doubt where the blame will lead and it's straight to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his ministers, a scheming group of anti-working-class conservative fanatics who cynically know the price of everything and the value of absolutely nothing.

With the entire nation clamoring for a negotiated settlement, continuing to obstruct would be Rishi Sunak's biggest mistake.

Britons risk freezing to death

Shivering and freezing, living in homes with ice inside the windows as well as outside, too many Britons risk dying unnecessarily from the cold this winter.

While Britain remains one of the world's twelve largest economies despite 12 years of austerity and Tory mistakes, it's unforgivable that so many people are dangerously cold instead of warming up safely. security.

Lack of money, poverty, hardship and grotesque inequality are at the root of this misery as Britain's Conservative government encourages division and helps the rich get richer at the expense of a great deal part of the population.

Being warm is a fundamental human right that this Conservative government is violating by not honoring its commitments.

The World Cup Final

The World Cup should never have been sold to Qatar, but a wonderful on-pitch tournament ended with arguably the best football game in the history of the sport.

Aging Argentine superstar Messi lifts the trophy despite young French hero Mbappe scoring the first hat-trick in the final since England's Geoff Hurst in 1966 was football's return to Buenos Aires.

'The blame for Britons in danger of freezing to death at home lies with Tory ministers'

The voice from the mirror on the catastrophic and possibly deadly results of stubborn conservative dogma in the face of a tsunami of industrial action over the Christmas period

UK experiencing cold and harsh winter The UK is experiencing a cold and harsh winter (

Image: Getty Images)

If people were to die tragically during NHS strikes, the blame would lie with dogmatic Tory ministers who stubbornly refused to find common ground.

If politics is being played out in the wave of workplace disputes hitting Britain, it is being played out by Tory politicians who have stupidly and wickedly rejected negotiations with the same nurses and paramedics they have publicly applauded during Covid then slapped in the face with a massive drop in living standards.

Decent, impartial people everywhere want Tory ministers to enter into good faith pay negotiations with nurses, paramedics and others to avoid this week's walkouts.

If you don't, no one will doubt where the blame will lead and it's straight to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his ministers, a scheming group of anti-working-class conservative fanatics who cynically know the price of everything and the value of absolutely nothing.

With the entire nation clamoring for a negotiated settlement, continuing to obstruct would be Rishi Sunak's biggest mistake.

Britons risk freezing to death

Shivering and freezing, living in homes with ice inside the windows as well as outside, too many Britons risk dying unnecessarily from the cold this winter.

While Britain remains one of the world's twelve largest economies despite 12 years of austerity and Tory mistakes, it's unforgivable that so many people are dangerously cold instead of warming up safely. security.

Lack of money, poverty, hardship and grotesque inequality are at the root of this misery as Britain's Conservative government encourages division and helps the rich get richer at the expense of a great deal part of the population.

Being warm is a fundamental human right that this Conservative government is violating by not honoring its commitments.

The World Cup Final

The World Cup should never have been sold to Qatar, but a wonderful on-pitch tournament ended with arguably the best football game in the history of the sport.

Aging Argentine superstar Messi lifts the trophy despite young French hero Mbappe scoring the first hat-trick in the final since England's Geoff Hurst in 1966 was football's return to Buenos Aires.

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