Bomani Story and Lead Cast at SXSW with THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER

Hi guys, this is Barbarella! It's Spring Break in Austin, TX, and that means talent from around the world is converging here for SXSW, bringing their unique flavors of music, movies, and ideas to the growing city. This year, one such talent, Bomani Story, brings her reimagining of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to the screen. Seasoned with urban flair, The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster not only delivers messages that will appeal to the underrepresented demographic it targets, but also draws others into its story of motivation and motivation. determination of a young girl fueled by it. love for his family. The story centers on a teenage girl who believes death is a disease that can be cured, and she believes she can find that cure. Some dialogue and scenes are hard hitting, encouraging conversation and self-reflection after viewing.

I wandered into a swanky hotel in the heart of it all to meet writer/director Bomani Story and cast members Laya DeLeon Hayes ("Doc McStuffins"), Chad Coleman ("The Wire") and Denzel Whitaker (Black Panther). We had a delightful conversation. Check out this excerpt from it.

Laya DeLeon Hayes as Vicaria in horror/thriller, THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER, an RLJE Films released. Photo courtesy of RLJE Films. width=

Barbara: How does it feel to have this movie screened here?

Chad: It's incredibly exciting here. Last night was magic for me, man.

Denzel: Yes, absolutely.

Chad: You always want to be part of something that's relevant and in the moment. That's it. And it's just an honor, the responsibility of this film, the power, the subject, just an incredible experience. I'm really proud. The energy, the way we relate to each other, and we all experience it together. It's special for me.

Chad Coleman as Donald in horror/thriller, THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER, an RLJE Films release. Photo courtesy of RLJE Films. width=Laya: Yes. I agree with everything Chad said. I think it's also a different experience when you go through something together. Just filming this movie had its own challenges, but we stayed together as a team, obviously as cast and crew. To see all of this falling into place last night and at this film festival, which personally for me it's just a real dream to be here I watched so many of these interviews so I saw the backdrop yesterday when we took pictures, and I was like, "Oh my God, this is real." And then just to be with everyone again, to s Bringing it together is just a really special experience that we can all do together with the story that is so original and fresh, thanks to Bomani. And as Chad said, it's relevant to the times, and it's also powerful. So I'm very grateful to be here.

Denzel: Yes. South by Southwest, I agree with you, it's always been a dream to come here because as a film festival, I've always seen it as off the beaten path. They talk about the diversity that comes to South by Southwest, the intersection of music, film and television, and also just technology. It's really interesting, so it's cool to have a project like this that hits almost every button at once.

Culturally, what he's trying to say, just the sci-fi element, also, the technology that Vicaria is putting in place is really exciting. The city of Austin has just been such a joy. And then, I think, similar to what you already mentioned, it's like we were such a family unit during filming, and you could feel that last night when we were debuting. As soon as we hit the mat, it's like, "I haven't seen my family in a minute. What's up?" It was great to get together and share that energy, and I really love working with all of you, so sharing that experience and seeing her on screen for the first time was just magical.

Bomani: I'm having an out-of-body experience, to be honest. It's very weird for me. You know what I mean? But obviously, I've always dreamed of having a film here. I think any filmmaker will. It is one of the biggest film festivals, and therefore to have the...

Bomani Story and Lead Cast at SXSW with THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER

Hi guys, this is Barbarella! It's Spring Break in Austin, TX, and that means talent from around the world is converging here for SXSW, bringing their unique flavors of music, movies, and ideas to the growing city. This year, one such talent, Bomani Story, brings her reimagining of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to the screen. Seasoned with urban flair, The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster not only delivers messages that will appeal to the underrepresented demographic it targets, but also draws others into its story of motivation and motivation. determination of a young girl fueled by it. love for his family. The story centers on a teenage girl who believes death is a disease that can be cured, and she believes she can find that cure. Some dialogue and scenes are hard hitting, encouraging conversation and self-reflection after viewing.

I wandered into a swanky hotel in the heart of it all to meet writer/director Bomani Story and cast members Laya DeLeon Hayes ("Doc McStuffins"), Chad Coleman ("The Wire") and Denzel Whitaker (Black Panther). We had a delightful conversation. Check out this excerpt from it.

Laya DeLeon Hayes as Vicaria in horror/thriller, THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER, an RLJE Films released. Photo courtesy of RLJE Films. width=

Barbara: How does it feel to have this movie screened here?

Chad: It's incredibly exciting here. Last night was magic for me, man.

Denzel: Yes, absolutely.

Chad: You always want to be part of something that's relevant and in the moment. That's it. And it's just an honor, the responsibility of this film, the power, the subject, just an incredible experience. I'm really proud. The energy, the way we relate to each other, and we all experience it together. It's special for me.

Chad Coleman as Donald in horror/thriller, THE ANGRY BLACK GIRL AND HER MONSTER, an RLJE Films release. Photo courtesy of RLJE Films. width=Laya: Yes. I agree with everything Chad said. I think it's also a different experience when you go through something together. Just filming this movie had its own challenges, but we stayed together as a team, obviously as cast and crew. To see all of this falling into place last night and at this film festival, which personally for me it's just a real dream to be here I watched so many of these interviews so I saw the backdrop yesterday when we took pictures, and I was like, "Oh my God, this is real." And then just to be with everyone again, to s Bringing it together is just a really special experience that we can all do together with the story that is so original and fresh, thanks to Bomani. And as Chad said, it's relevant to the times, and it's also powerful. So I'm very grateful to be here.

Denzel: Yes. South by Southwest, I agree with you, it's always been a dream to come here because as a film festival, I've always seen it as off the beaten path. They talk about the diversity that comes to South by Southwest, the intersection of music, film and television, and also just technology. It's really interesting, so it's cool to have a project like this that hits almost every button at once.

Culturally, what he's trying to say, just the sci-fi element, also, the technology that Vicaria is putting in place is really exciting. The city of Austin has just been such a joy. And then, I think, similar to what you already mentioned, it's like we were such a family unit during filming, and you could feel that last night when we were debuting. As soon as we hit the mat, it's like, "I haven't seen my family in a minute. What's up?" It was great to get together and share that energy, and I really love working with all of you, so sharing that experience and seeing her on screen for the first time was just magical.

Bomani: I'm having an out-of-body experience, to be honest. It's very weird for me. You know what I mean? But obviously, I've always dreamed of having a film here. I think any filmmaker will. It is one of the biggest film festivals, and therefore to have the...

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