Boris Johnson will launch a vote of confidence in his own government on Monday

This comes hours after Boris Johnson blocked a vote of no confidence in his leadership, with his allies accusing Labor of failing to table a proper vote.

A new Tory leader is being chosen, with Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister until then (

Image: Getty Images)

The Tories have tabled a no-confidence motion in their own government as Boris Johnson continues to cling to his crumbling prime ministership.

Mr Johnson's successor will be confirmed on September 5 and he is expected to leave Downing Street the following day.

But Labor leader Keir Starmer is determined to push the incumbent Prime Minister out of office sooner, as "the Conservative Party has finally concluded that the Prime Minister is unfit for office".


Mr Starmer's spokesman said it would be 'brazen hypocrisy' if Tory MPs who had written letters of no confidence in Mr Johnson then voted the other way.

He suggested Labor try to amend the government motion so that the Commons would have the chance to vote specifically on their confidence in the Prime Minister.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has urged Boris Johnson to leave No10 immediately
Labour leader Keir Starmer has urged Boris Johnson to leave Number 10 immediately (


Getty Images)

"The motion we tabled was in order, the clerks ruled it in order, it had precedent based on the 1965 vote of no confidence with Ted Heath and Harold Wilson," he said.


"If the government wants to table a different motion, it's obviously up to them. What is clear is that the government was worried about losing the vote on the motion we put forward, otherwise why are we presenting- they this alternate motion monday?.

"We look forward to the dozens of Tory MPs who have already expressed their defiance of Boris Johnson by writing to...

Boris Johnson will launch a vote of confidence in his own government on Monday

This comes hours after Boris Johnson blocked a vote of no confidence in his leadership, with his allies accusing Labor of failing to table a proper vote.

A new Tory leader is being chosen, with Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister until then (

Image: Getty Images)

The Tories have tabled a no-confidence motion in their own government as Boris Johnson continues to cling to his crumbling prime ministership.

Mr Johnson's successor will be confirmed on September 5 and he is expected to leave Downing Street the following day.

But Labor leader Keir Starmer is determined to push the incumbent Prime Minister out of office sooner, as "the Conservative Party has finally concluded that the Prime Minister is unfit for office".


Mr Starmer's spokesman said it would be 'brazen hypocrisy' if Tory MPs who had written letters of no confidence in Mr Johnson then voted the other way.

He suggested Labor try to amend the government motion so that the Commons would have the chance to vote specifically on their confidence in the Prime Minister.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has urged Boris Johnson to leave No10 immediately
Labour leader Keir Starmer has urged Boris Johnson to leave Number 10 immediately (


Getty Images)

"The motion we tabled was in order, the clerks ruled it in order, it had precedent based on the 1965 vote of no confidence with Ted Heath and Harold Wilson," he said.


"If the government wants to table a different motion, it's obviously up to them. What is clear is that the government was worried about losing the vote on the motion we put forward, otherwise why are we presenting- they this alternate motion monday?.

"We look forward to the dozens of Tory MPs who have already expressed their defiance of Boris Johnson by writing to...

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