British teenager paralyzed after being gored by bison 'stranded in US' because of health insurance

Amelia Dean, 19, was left paralyzed after a 300kg bison pierced her leg in a horror attack, while her worried family have been left with two choices as her health insurance plans to withdraw aid

Amelia Dean, 19, in hospital Mia's friend managed to take the bison away and call an ambulance (

Image: gofundme)

A British student who fought for her life after being gored by a 2,000 pound bison is now paralyzed and stranded in the US as her health insurance plans to withdraw support.

Amelia Dean, 19, was traveling through South Dakota on her gap year road trip when the beast attacked her and tore her femoral artery in her left thigh in the attack shocking June 16.

The beast began charging towards her about 100 meters away and launched itself 15 feet into the air, leaving her with a punctured artery that caused incredible damage. After the attack, the teenager fought for her life in hospital.

Her parents, Matthew and Jacqueline, started a GoFundMe to raise £140,000 ($171,000) to transfer their daughter to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

So far they have raised £60,000.

Amelia Dean, 19
Amelia has been told by her health insurer that she has to go home this weekend before they withdraw funding from her case (



They were hoping to raise the necessary amount of money to allow Mia to receive intensive treatment, although she has been under the American health care system since the horror attack.

However, despite fundraising, a shocking medical condition...

British teenager paralyzed after being gored by bison 'stranded in US' because of health insurance

Amelia Dean, 19, was left paralyzed after a 300kg bison pierced her leg in a horror attack, while her worried family have been left with two choices as her health insurance plans to withdraw aid

Amelia Dean, 19, in hospital Mia's friend managed to take the bison away and call an ambulance (

Image: gofundme)

A British student who fought for her life after being gored by a 2,000 pound bison is now paralyzed and stranded in the US as her health insurance plans to withdraw support.

Amelia Dean, 19, was traveling through South Dakota on her gap year road trip when the beast attacked her and tore her femoral artery in her left thigh in the attack shocking June 16.

The beast began charging towards her about 100 meters away and launched itself 15 feet into the air, leaving her with a punctured artery that caused incredible damage. After the attack, the teenager fought for her life in hospital.

Her parents, Matthew and Jacqueline, started a GoFundMe to raise £140,000 ($171,000) to transfer their daughter to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

So far they have raised £60,000.

Amelia Dean, 19
Amelia has been told by her health insurer that she has to go home this weekend before they withdraw funding from her case (



They were hoping to raise the necessary amount of money to allow Mia to receive intensive treatment, although she has been under the American health care system since the horror attack.

However, despite fundraising, a shocking medical condition...

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